Message 37887

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Reader interaction etc,
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 10:10:09 +0000
Hi Alex,

> btw, what kind of resolution do you print at? What size picture would
> take up about half a page in the gallery?

We print at 150 lpi. It's very hard to say what size a picture will appear
at, but the bigger the better.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 37888

From :Alex Timiney <>
Subject: [afb] DMA, A1200 Zorro bus boards and the clock port...
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 09:23:37 -0800
Hi all,
 Y'know how A1200 buss boards don't have DMA? Well, I was just wondering
if the clock port (being designed with more CHIP ram in mind (or was it
just gonna bve SLOW ram?)) had DMA. In which case could it not be used
to give a busboard DMA?
 I'm pretty sure there must be something wrong with this, even if it's
just that for DMA all the clock port pins are needed, beacause shirly I
can't be the first person to think of this, can I?

Mail me a kipper, I'll be spoked for breakfast.

Message 37889

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: time warp
Date: 24 Nov 99 09:35:38 +0000
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 09:11:59 -0000, Sealey, M. ( wrote:
> > Bloody VNG crashing me. It always shafts my clock! :( 1978 my 
> > arse......
> Go and get Atomic from Aminet and attach it to your Miami or
> Genesis 'online' event. It'll reset your clock using the
> atomic clock servers around the world, and you'll never have
> to worry about those silly crashes ever again.

Or, in the "Services" part of Genesis, put your time server in there and
select "sync clock" ...
> Your battery might be failing, too BTW :)

I had mine changed in my A4000 at the weekend, and I think it might have
done something bad to my motherboard  :(


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 37890

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "G what?"
Date: 24 Nov 99 21:14:03 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Michael <>
  Via:  afb <>
Dated:  24-Nov-99 11:44:17
About:  [afb] Re: "G what?"

Hi Michael,

> By the way I can remember a linux distribution having the slogan 'Where do
> you want to be tomorrow?'

Intel user's answer:  In the computer store, spending even more money.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 37891

From (Matthew Fletcher)
Subject: [afb] GCC 2.95.1 Bugs !!
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 11:24:17 +0000

Is anyone here using gcc 2.95.1 ?, i was just wondering if i was the only sole
to watch it spawn more and more copies of cc1 till it eats all memory and
crashes ? -yes even with hello_world.c

Matthew J Fletcher                                 DICE Development Group               ICQ amimjf 44193496

Message 37892

Subject: [afb] Logging onto a network
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 03:32:18 -0800
I'm moving into halls at Uni and each room has net access. Is it
possible to log onto the University network using my Amiga? It's a
Novell Network and that's about as specific as I can be at the moment,

Message 37893

Subject: [afb] BAG
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 03:41:07 -0800
Hi alan,

How about Brighton Amiga Group Play with Useful Serious Software?


Message 37894

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: time warp
Date: 24 Nov 99 21:46:14 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Matthew O'Neill <>
  Via:  afb <>
Dated:  23-Nov-99 00:53:31
About:  [afb] time warp

Hi Matthew,

> Bloody VNG crashing me. It always shafts my clock! :( 1978 my arse......

Voyager - No Good?  That's what NG means to me.  And Voyager fails
miserably for me too.  I won't use it.  And when it doesn't crash and
burn, it's driving with the breaks on.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 37895

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AFCD Surveys
Date: 24 Nov 99 21:47:27 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Alan L.M. Buxey <>
  Via:  afb <>
Dated:  24-Nov-99 18:30:49
About:  [afb] Re: AFCD Surveys

Hi Alan,

>> And drop the Reader-Requests drawer and amalgamate it with the serious
>> and games drawers; it'd be a lot easier to find stuff then.

> ?? what? A reader requests a PDF apdf goes into reader
> request drawer...far better than apdf hiding away in the serious
> drawer..where it could live in any number of subdirectories

Far better to put applications in a drawer suitable to it's type of
application, and have a text list of this months reader requests, than
go searching throughout the disk to see if there's an application of the
type you're looking for.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


Lucky for you I typed this, nobody can read my handwriting.

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 37896

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Fusion PPC
Date: 24 Nov 99 11:41:27 +0000
As I've not heard anything about this, despite the "60 day deadline"
passing at the weekend, I just phoned Blittersoft to get the latest news.

Apparently, there were problems that couldn't be avoided, so it's not
finished yet.  However, it's expected to be out before Christmas.

Just thought I'd let you all know ...


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 37897

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mods on AFCDs (was: Reader interaction with AF)
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 09:53:26 +0000
Hi Alan,

>> So, if the group/writers themselves don't care about the copyright, does
>> this mean I can get my mod on the CD?

>>> Oh, the group - work it out.  1987 is a clue.

I guess you would be *justified* and would probably feel *liberated* to have
the *front* to produce a mod based on such *ancient* music... :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Excuse for the day: bit bucket overflow

Message 37898

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mods on AFCDs (was: Reader interaction with AF)
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 09:56:29 +0000
Hi Peter,

>> If you've done a mod based on that other Drummond's work, then *I'd* be
>> interested to hear it at the least.

> Ahhh, you can't do that. You deplore modules. You hold a position of
> respect among the Amiga errr... fraternity (there didn't say community
> (d'oh!)). You can't just go back on your principles like that!

Put it this way. I'd have to find a module player to install on my machine,
and work out how to use it. I also didn't say it would necessarily go on
the CD, but I am interested to hear it... :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Excuse for the day: there is no problem anywhere

Message 37899

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AFCD Surveys
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 09:36:37 +0000
Hi Daniel,

> The only real problem with the CD is there's never anything on it that
> really catches my eye to use; how about creating a new drawer for
> software that is excellent (in the AF team's opinion, natch.).

Oh give us a break. It's hard enough to compile a CD full of stuff every
issue as it is.

> And drop the Reader-Requests drawer and amalgamate it with the serious
> and games drawers; it'd be a lot easier to find stuff then.

Nope. It's also a lot easier to find the stuff you've asked for on the CD if
it's in one place.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Parsimonious Marketing Executive Blamed For Advertising Hoarding

Message 37900

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: console games
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 10:07:19 +0000
Hi M.,

> Ape Escape is the only one I've played that uses it for something
> good. Pick any 3D platformer on the Playstation. Does it use the
> analog pad? No.

Spyro the Dragon uses the analogue pad to very good effect, but this is not
Amiga-related, can we get back on-topic please?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Suborbital Ballistic-Propulsion Engineer Not 
Exactly A Rocket Scientist

Message 37901

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AFCD Surveys
Date: 24 Nov 99 13:26:25 +0000
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 09:36:37 +0000, Ben Vost wibbled...

> Oh give us a break. It's hard enough to compile a CD full of stuff every
> issue as it is.

Fair enough, 'guv. 'twas only a suggestion :)
> Nope. It's also a lot easier to find the stuff you've asked for on the CD if
> it's in one place.

Can't agree there; if someone asks for a copy of Miami on the CD, it'd
be more logical to put it in the comms drawer. Failing that, how about a
subdirectory in the requests drawer; one for games and one for serious

------------------------- ===== The Wibble ===== -------------------------
   In this week's mini-yet-still-substantial update, we have part two of
    Soapwatch, news from The Crackley Argus, and more personal adverts
------- --- -------

Message 37902

From :Alan Bailey <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 2 questions
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 13:28:22 +0000
Hello Matthew

On 23-Nov-99, you wrote:

> 1.  Is it possible to hold down a key while booting, to modify the boot
> process?  I have a second startup-sequence that I would like to execute
> instead of the normal one if I held down the Esc key, for example.  Can I
> add some commands at the very beginning of the normal startup-sequence to
> execute the other script if the Esc key is detected?

The answer to this question is "BangerMenu", it allows multiple startup
sequences, It might be on one of the old AF or CU CDs, but if you cant
find it send me a private mail and i will send you the archive. 


/UIN/ - 42618074
<tsb>#   // Powered By Amiga #
<tsb># \X/    A1200 030/50   #
Confucius say...He who walk through airport door sideways going to Bangkok.

Message 37903

From :Bippy M <>
Subject: [afb] Re: console games
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 13:06:41 +0000
Howdy Matthew

On 23-Nov-99, Matthew Garrett wrote:

MG> On Tue, Nov 23, 1999 at 06:06:08PM +0000, Alan L.M. Buxey wrote:

MG>> dual-shock/analogue 3D control was used way before Ape Escape

MG> Very little gained any advantage from it. Driving games, yes, but other
MG> than that I can't think of many Playstation games that really take
MG> advantage of the dual-shock/analogue stuff (FF8, for example, gains
MG> precisely nothing from it)

I Play Spyro 2 with analogue :) Besides that, Ape Escape and, GT All others
games I use the D-Pad :/


Bippy M
x----------------| |-----------------x
|                                                                    |
|  Current Projects:                                                 |
|                    Overflow (Pipemania Clone) [..^.......] 30%     |
|                    Packer2Packer Suite        [.^........] 20%     |
|                                                                    |
x----------------| |-----------------x

Message 37904

From :Bippy M <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Wipeout2097 -Links
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 13:04:34 +0000
Howdy Andrew

On 23-Nov-99, Andrew Crowe wrote:

AC> Hi Everybody,

AC>>  The PC version was much cheaper to license for exactly that reason -
AC>>  the music.

AC>   Um, y'know, maybe the reason is simply that the Playstation version is
AC> written in hand optimised PSX asm, while the PC version is in C, thus
AC> being /slightly/ easer to do a port of?

I think you'll find 99.999% of PSX games are written in C if you don't
believe me have a look at the exe.. look for stuff like %ld %d etc...


Bippy m

x----------------| |-----------------x
|                                                                    |
|  Current Projects:                                                 |
|                    Overflow (Pipemania Clone) [..^.......] 30%     |
|                    Packer2Packer Suite        [.^........] 20%     |
|                                                                    |
x----------------| |-----------------x

Message 37905

From :Alex Timiney <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mods on AFCDs (was: Reader interaction with AF)
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 13:59:03 -0800
Ben Vost wrote:
> Put it this way. I'd have to find a module player to install on my machine,
Hippo player? Its on the CD somewhere.

> and work out how to use it.
Never thought this would be a problem on the Amiga.



Mail me a kipper, I'll be spoked for breakfast.

Message 37906

From :Alan Bailey <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Who the **** is Daphne?
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 13:39:26 +0000
Hello Armin

On 24-Nov-99, you wrote:

> In the comprehensive Byte preview of August 1985,
> the A1000 chipset is not named.  And on Jay Miner's
> slides from 1986 it is Denise and Paula, like you say.
> (The A500 and A2000 were launched in March 1987.)
> So, apart from the ICPUG Newsletter, where are Daphne
> and Portia mentioned?

I have heard of daphne she used to be in neighbours didnt she?

for real now, Daphne was at one time an Amiga chip, i cant remember
where i heard/read this info but Daphne did exist. 


/UIN/ - 42618074
<tsb>#   // Powered By Amiga #
<tsb># \X/    A1200 030/50   #
Confucius say...He who run behind bus get exhausted.

Message 37907

From :Alan Bailey <>
Subject: [afb] Chipmem
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 13:33:02 +0000

Can anyone tell me the name of a program that forces wb to use fastmem
instead of chipmem "Not WBCtrl - i only have OS3.1"
thanks in advance

Kind regards

/UIN/ - 42618074
<tsb>#   // Powered By Amiga #
<tsb># \X/    A1200 030/50   #
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat
us as equals.
-- Winston Churchill

Message 37908

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Pamphlet Revisited (Was AF, or lack there of!)
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 14:01:42 +0000
Hi Michael,

> binders, but they're not available. Why not? Surely, when binders for P=
> Format are ordered, why can't they order a few thousand with the PC
> scribbled out and Amiga printed in its place? Even at the old price of =

A few thousand? If we were going to sell a few thousand we would be makin=
our own. Up until a short time ago there were still some binders for AF
available, but they were selling (even when we were advertising them) at
about one every two months...

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Last Night Of The Proms The Usual Cruel Hoax

Message 37909

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Blimey!
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 14:55:59 +0200
Hello Kevin

On 24-Nov-99, you wrote:
>>   Patrice - adding smileys everywhere from now on :)
> You trying not to antagonise me or something?  :)

  Not you in particular, Kevin. 

  It's just that, after the first two months I've enjoyed on Afb, I've
started feeling what I would call a rising degree of aggressivity 
on the list.
  Either it's the moon, or everyone's overworked - or maybe it's just me
who's getting a little more paranoid than usual, and feel that things 
are aimed at me even if they're not :)  
  Since I can't help including a little nonsense in every message I send,
I'm trying to make sure no-one is offended, because some of the 
comments I made almost led to serious  arguments, and I certainly
don't want that.



Message 37910

From :Samuel Byford <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Chipmem
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 14:16:52 +0000
Hello Alan

On 24-Nov-99, you wrote:

> Hello,
> =

> Can anyone tell me the name of a program that forces wb to use fastmem
> instead of chipmem "Not WBCtrl - i only have OS3.1"
> thanks in advance

You have a choice - either get FBlit, which trys to do this (not always w=
orking, it depends on the program. SetMan will help as well.  Or get 3.5 =
which uses fast mem for all its icons etc.

Hope this helps.

P.S. Make sure you put FBlit and/or SetMan in the right part of your star=

-- =

Bifford the Youngest
(Sam Byford)
Visit my site:
 ICQ: 52983236
 IRC:  IRCNet #AmIRC (as Bifford)
    or IRCNet #Pub (as The_Kook)

Message 37911

From :Samuel Byford <>
Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 14:10:12 +0000
Hello Paul,

>> What am I on about?  I could ask you the same thing!  Try reading
>> Manage: posts!
> =

> Manage: posts? What are they?

Hmm.  Me thinks your yanking my leg........

>>>> Bifford the Youngest.
>>> =

>>> Still?
>> =

>> What do you mean still?  Im not exactly going to suddenly age and
>> overtake my brother in the amount of years I`ve been alive am I?
> =

> Well you might have a new baby brother/sister/cousin/son/daughter.
> What are you gonna do when that happens, eh?

It aint gonna happen. And only my immediate family are called Bifford's s=
o cousins etc dont count (and that aint likely neither anyway!)

>>> ... Top Oxymorons Number 38: Government organization =

> =

>>              ^^^^^^
>> Moron is the right word for you here I think!
> =

> Charmed, I'm sure.

Just a bit of friendly banter....(trying to live up to Matt's standards (=
hmm. 'praps thats not such a good thing afterall...))

> btw all your writing is black on black at the moment so I've
> probably quoted it all wrong!

Change your prefs - I had white writing on white background for a while t=
oo. :)
And, yes - you had quoted right!

-- =

Bifford the Youngest
(Sam Byford)
Visit my site:
 ICQ: 52983236
 IRC:  IRCNet #AmIRC (as Bifford)
    or IRCNet #Pub (as The_Kook)

Message 37912

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: console games
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 14:48:32 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Ben Vost wrote:

> Spyro the Dragon uses the analogue pad to very good effect, but this is not
> Amiga-related, can we get back on-topic please?

well, thats why i changed the subject line...but back onto subject,
these analogue PSX controllers should be usable under future Amiga games
thanks to the parallel interface 


Message 37913

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Pamphlet Revisited (Was AF, or lack there of!)
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 14:51:40 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Ben Vost wrote:

> A few thousand? If we were going to sell a few thousand we would be making
> our own. Up until a short time ago there were still some binders for AF
> available, but they were selling (even when we were advertising them) at
> about one every two months...

unadvertised! If I knew they were around I'd have bought some!


Message 37914

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga console games
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 14:49:09 +0000
Hi Alan,

> well, thats why i changed the subject line...but back onto subject,
> these analogue PSX controllers should be usable under future Amiga games
> thanks to the parallel interface 

Yep, we played wipEout 2097 on my PSX's analogue stick (WO2097 doesn't
support analogue control though).

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Doctors lash out at backlash against whiplash

Message 37915

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: time warp
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 14:51:16 -0000
> On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 09:11:59 -0000, Sealey, M. 
> ( wrote:
> >  
> > > Bloody VNG crashing me. It always shafts my clock! :( 1978 my 
> > > arse......
> > 
> > Go and get Atomic from Aminet and attach it to your Miami or
> > Genesis 'online' event. It'll reset your clock using the
> > atomic clock servers around the world, and you'll never have
> > to worry about those silly crashes ever again.
> Or, in the "Services" part of Genesis, put your time server 
> in there and select "sync clock" ...

Atomic clocks are guaranteed to be there and keeping time. Your
ISP may not even HAVE a time server that's publically available
and even then it might be a few seconds out. Would you trust
your time critical apps to a misconfigured Linux box? Or a
big ol' atomic clock?

> > Your battery might be failing, too BTW :)
> I had mine changed in my A4000 at the weekend, and I think it 
> might have done something bad to my motherboard  :(

I thought I was replying to Matt(sh)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37916

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AFCD Surveys
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 14:48:53 -0000
> On 23 Nov 1999, Daniel Thornton wrote:
> > And drop the Reader-Requests drawer and amalgamate it with 
> > the serious and games drawers; it'd be a lot easier to find
> > stuff then.
> ?? what? A reader requests a PDF apdf goes into reader
> request drawer...far better than apdf hiding away in the serious
> drawer..where it could live in any number of subdirectories

Which is why Oliver wrote AFCDFind. I want a PDF player, so I search
on all my AFCDs for the string PDF

Job done.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37917

From : Pekka Sippola <>
Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 21:38:28 +0200
Hello Ben

On 23-Nov-99, Ben Vost wrote:
> Hi Tim,

> Well then, giuve me a comment on why you *haven't* bought it. I didn't
> ask for comments on using it, merely on your opinion of it - "I'm not
> going to buy it because it doesn't work with Scala", kind of thing.

I have bought it but it's still on my desk waiting for install; I just
backupped my HD and do the install next weekend. I was waiting for A4000
Power Flyer and a big HD, but don't wait anymore. But it has been wise
to wait some time, as I have got clues which patches etc. to remove. 
I find 3.5 worth of the money just from what I have read.

proud owner of A500 powerhouse ala '91
now cooking with A4000/233PPC

Message 37918

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Chipmem
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:00:14 -0000
> Hello Alan
> On 24-Nov-99, you wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Can anyone tell me the name of a program that forces wb to 
> > use fastmem instead of chipmem "Not WBCtrl - i only have
> > OS3.1" thanks in advance

Why did you put the last bit in quotes?

> You have a choice - either get FBlit, which trys to do this 
> (not always working, it depends on the program. SetMan will 
> help as well.  Or get 3.5 which uses fast mem for all its icons etc.

So it looks like he's going to get FBlit. Right, go and get
the LATEST version from and install
it, and set the task list to Exclude and don't fill it in. Make
sure everything except the FBltClear() patch is installed and
enabled, and get the QBC and FText() patches from - make sure FBlit is installed
before MCP or any other graphics-patching system, and definitely
AFTER anything like PoolMem or CopyMemQuick. In fact, MCP is
bound to mess stuff up if you don't have a clue.

> Hope this helps.
> P.S. Make sure you put FBlit and/or SetMan in the right part 
> of your startup-sequence


C:SetMan >NIL:

<memory patches here>


<graphics patches here>

<assigns, rest of startup>

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37919

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Wipeout2097 -Links
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 14:56:12 -0000
> AC> being /slightly/ easer to do a port of?
> I think you'll find 99.999% of PSX games are written in C if you don't
> believe me have a look at the exe.. look for stuff like %ld %d etc...

I think you'll find that 100% of PSX games are written in C except
the ones that are written in assembler. Who knows how many there are,
but assembler plays a pretty big part in it, because C just can't
shift polys around like a decent FPU can, and we all know that the PSX
doesn't have a decent FPU which means the C code has to do it all.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37920

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Logging onto a network
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 14:52:47 -0000
> I'm moving into halls at Uni and each room has net access. Is it
> possible to log onto the University network using my Amiga? It's a
> Novell Network and that's about as specific as I can be at the moment,
> sorry.

Which Uni? Some of them are a bit strict as to which computers you
hook up, and they may not let an Amiga connect for support reasons.

What Novell Network? If it's 3.x you have no hope.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37921

From :"Thomas Cobb" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 07:32:17 -0800
"ben vost" <> wrote: 
original article:
> "I'm not going to
> buy it because it doesn't work with Scala", kind of thing.

It doesn't work with Scala? Is that a real thing or just a made up

	Thomas Cobb

Message 37922

From :"Andrew McCombe" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga console games
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:36:12 -0000
> Hi Alan,
> > well, thats why i changed the subject line...but back onto subject,
> > these analogue PSX controllers should be usable under future Amiga games
> > thanks to the parallel interface

Speaking of this, my boss wants to use his PSX Dual shock on his PC, and no
one mokes a convertor.  You'd have thought that they would do it for a PC
first.  1up for the Amiga.

Message 37923

From :"Andrew McCombe" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mods on AFCDs (was: Reader interaction with AF)
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:43:10 -0000
> I guess you would be *justified* and would probably feel *liberated* to
> the *front* to produce a mod based on such *ancient* music... :)

Yep.  On second thoughts - the track is actually a remix/tribute to them.
So, whats the chances of appearing on the cd.  I mixed it in 96, so I may do
another, updated version.

Oh - its What Time is Love - a remix of the original pure trance

Message 37924

From :Matthew Garrett <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Who the **** is Daphne?
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:50:11 +0000
On Wed, Nov 24, 1999 at 01:39:26PM +0000, Alan Bailey wrote:

> for real now, Daphne was at one time an Amiga chip, i cant remember
> where i heard/read this info but Daphne did exist. 

Portia and Daphne were early names for Paula and Denise. By the time the
A1000 had been released, they'd been renamed.

Matthew Garrett |

Message 37925

From :Matthew Garrett <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Logging onto a network
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:57:16 +0000
On Wed, Nov 24, 1999 at 03:32:18AM -0800, wrote:
> I'm moving into halls at Uni and each room has net access. Is it
> possible to log onto the University network using my Amiga? It's a
> Novell Network and that's about as specific as I can be at the moment,
> sorry.

If it's a TCP/IP network, you should be able to do so with any Amiga TCP
stack but may not be able to access any of the network facilities such as
your filespace. You'll need an ethernet card - cnet.device will work for
NE2000 compatible PCMCIA cards, but uses bucketloads of CPU time and
doesn't go very fast (about 100K/sec on 10mbit ethernet with a vanilla
1200). Various Zorro ones exist that will probably do a better job.

Matthew Garrett |

Message 37926

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga console games
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:40:27 -0000
> > Hi Alan,
> >
> > > well, thats why i changed the subject line...but back 
> > > onto subject, these analogue PSX controllers should be
> > > usable under future Amiga games thanks to the parallel
> > > interface
> Speaking of this, my boss wants to use his PSX Dual shock on 
> his PC, and no one mokes a convertor.  You'd have thought
> that they would do it for a PC first.  1up for the Amiga.

Why? It means that the Amiga is totally incapable of supporting
it's OWN hardware without mutilating other systems'

There are some decent clone joysticks out for the PC which look
and operate exactly as a PSX controller does, and they plug into
any damn Creative Labs Compatible Joystick port, which EVERY
damned PC has these days. Hell, most now even plug into the USB
port, which is even better.

One up for the PC for actually being supported by more than a
few hardware tricks and silly parallel port converters (with
a Zip drive, printer, and sound sampler, I think a PSX controller
would be overkill, as I only have ONE parallel port)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37927

From :"james" <>
Subject: [afb] Haskell.
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 16:44:03 GMT
Does anyone know if there is a Haskell compiler or interpreter 
for the Amiga?
I've already looked on Aminet.


Message 37928

From :"james" <>
Subject: [afb] Java.
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 16:45:11 GMT
What happened to that Java virtual machine that was getting written?


Message 37929

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Blimey!
Date: 24 Nov 99 15:01:00 +0000
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 14:55:59 +0200, Patrice Champarou ( wrote:
> Hello Kevin

'lo again ....

> On 24-Nov-99, you wrote:
> >>   Patrice - adding smileys everywhere from now on :)
> > 
> > You trying not to antagonise me or something?  :)
>   Not you in particular, Kevin. 

*Phew*  I wondered what I'd done then ... I thought you'd heard the joke
I told at work yesterday about French cows   :-

(Given what they're eating, do French cows say "Poo" instead of "Moo" - and
before anyone else says, yes I stole it from Private Eye  ;-)
>   It's just that, after the first two months I've enjoyed on Afb, I've
> started feeling what I would call a rising degree of aggressivity 
> on the list.

Yeah, I think I know what you mean.  There's been a lot of name calling
lately - although i'm still waiting for punches to be thrown  ;-)

>   Either it's the moon, or everyone's overworked - or maybe it's just me
> who's getting a little more paranoid than usual, and feel that things 
> are aimed at me even if they're not :)  

Personally I think it is the old winter blues setting in and that's
affecting some people.  I know for a fact it's affecting me - trying to
defrost a car windscreen at 7am in the dark doesn't bode well for the rest
of the day!!

>   Since I can't help including a little nonsense in every message I send,
> I'm trying to make sure no-one is offended, because some of the 
> comments I made almost led to serious  arguments, and I certainly
> don't want that.

I guess sometimes that can happen no matter who writes an email or who it's
aimed at.  There will almost always be someone who will interpret something

C'est la vie ...


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 37930

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: time warp
Date: 24 Nov 99 15:07:18 +0000
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 14:51:16 -0000, Sealey, M. ( wrote:
> > On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 09:11:59 -0000, Sealey, M. 
> > ( wrote:
> > >  
> > > > Bloody VNG crashing me. It always shafts my clock! :( 1978 my 
> > > > arse......
> > > 
> > > Go and get Atomic from Aminet and attach it to your Miami or
> > > Genesis 'online' event. It'll reset your clock using the
> > > atomic clock servers around the world, and you'll never have
> > > to worry about those silly crashes ever again.
> > 
> > Or, in the "Services" part of Genesis, put your time server 
> > in there and select "sync clock" ...
> Atomic clocks are guaranteed to be there and keeping time. Your
> ISP may not even HAVE a time server that's publically available
> and even then it might be a few seconds out. Would you trust
> your time critical apps to a misconfigured Linux box? Or a
> big ol' atomic clock?

I have mine (using Genesis!) synchronise with - it doesn't
matter what software to use, it's all down to which server you pick.  Why
use additional software when it's built into Genesis?
> > > Your battery might be failing, too BTW :)
> > 
> > I had mine changed in my A4000 at the weekend, and I think it 
> > might have done something bad to my motherboard  :(
> I thought I was replying to Matt(sh)

You were - I thought I'd mention that I'd changed mine and it wasn't a
pleasant experience.  However, after totally taking EVERYTHING to bits in
my fully loaded A4000 tower and putting it all back together (and
accidently making the blood sacrifice I hadn't made on Sunday - it doesn't
work if you do it on purpose) it's all okay now.  Thankfully!


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 37931

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Chipmem
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 14:51:07 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Alan Bailey wrote:

> Hello,
> Can anyone tell me the name of a program that forces wb to use fastmem
> instead of chipmem "Not WBCtrl - i only have OS3.1"
> thanks in advance

FBlit can help...but one change of OS3.5 was to have OS use the FastRAM
instead of ChipRAM...mark that down as another reson to upgrade


Message 37932

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Wipeout2097 -Links
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 14:49:53 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Bippy M wrote:

> I think you'll find 99.999% of PSX games are written in C if you don't
> believe me have a look at the exe.. look for stuff like %ld %d etc...

?? things written in C dont have that in their asm output - which you
run. those %'s you see are asm-code


Message 37933

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Logging onto a network
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 17:12:30 -0000
> On Wed, Nov 24, 1999 at 03:32:18AM -0800, 
> wrote:
> > I'm moving into halls at Uni and each room has net access. Is it
> > possible to log onto the University network using my Amiga? It's a
> > Novell Network and that's about as specific as I can be at 
> > the moment, sorry.
> If it's a TCP/IP network, you should be able to do so with any Amiga
> TCP stack but may not be able to access any of the network facilities
> such as your filespace. You'll need an ethernet card - cnet.device 
> will work for NE2000 compatible PCMCIA cards, but uses bucketloads of
> CPU time and doesn't go very fast (about 100K/sec on 10mbit ethernet
> with a vanilla 1200). Various Zorro ones exist that will probably do
> a better job.

Also NE2000 cards aren't very good. If you tried to use one here, you'd
get nothing but failed connections because we use the ETHERNET_II
network frame in Netware and most of the NE2000's we've ever seen don't
support it (only 802.2 and 802.3?)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37934

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: time warp
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 17:14:02 -0000
> > Atomic clocks are guaranteed to be there and keeping time. Your
> > ISP may not even HAVE a time server that's publically available
> > and even then it might be a few seconds out. Would you trust
> > your time critical apps to a misconfigured Linux box? Or a
> > big ol' atomic clock?
> I have mine (using Genesis!) synchronise with 
> - it doesn't matter what software to use, it's all down to which
> server you pick.  Why use additional software when it's built into
> Genesis?

Does Genesis support proper "Daylight Savings Time" then?

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37935

From :"Gareth Knight" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Who the **** is Daphne?
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 17:07:02 -0000
> for real now, Daphne was at one time an Amiga chip, i cant remember
> where i heard/read this info but Daphne did exist. 
Daphne became Denise around 1986/7.

Gareth Knight
Look Out! Sig thief about!

Message 37936

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Ideas for cool stuff to add to an OS (COOLIDEA)
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 17:35:03 -0000
Right. Research project coming up :)

I've decided to take the results of my OS3.5.1 wishlist
and make a little project thingy up. So that bits and
peices can be added to the OS to make it better, and
hopefully make them "part" of the OS over time.

Things we've discussed so far here and elsewhere:

* Antialiased font support (not necessarily rendering)

* Centralised font installer (for ALL outline types)

* Rudimentary Unicode support (for example, ask the
font libraries to give you the glyph for the Euro
symbol, and have it pass it back to you - useful for
webbrowsers when rendering entities in strange char

* System Update Manager (GUI w/ online and offline
databases to compare, plus application API for 

* Aminet Mk II (to host above database, and augment
Aminet experience a bit more than that shite Aminet
GUI that just appeared)

Are there any other decent things you'd like to see
that you have seen on other Operating Systems and
would like on your Amiga? Nail them here :)

Can you leave the COOLIDEA tag up in the subject so
I can filter these to stand out? Thanks :)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37937

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Ideas for cool stuff to add to an OS (COOLIDEA)
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 17:44:57 -0000
> Are there any other decent things you'd like to see
> that you have seen on other Operating Systems and
> would like on your Amiga? Nail them here :)
> Can you leave the COOLIDEA tag up in the subject so
> I can filter these to stand out? Thanks :)

Just remembered another one: Autorunning CDs.
Configurable per-CD, of course, but useful for
games which install (so they can say install or

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 37938

From :Bert Volders <>
Subject: [afb] Partnumbers A3000 compatible ZIP RAM (ZIG-ZAG casing)?
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 17:57:36 +0100

At work they've sent a couple of Compaqs towards the computer-heaven. While
they were dismantling them I noticed the GFX-boards inside those machines.
Then I was surprised to see that the video-memory chips looked a lot like
those ZIP-chips in those weird ZIG-ZAG housings. So at home I started
searching for my A3000 manual but failed to find it. Now I would like to know
if anyone on this list knows the partnumbers of the ZIP-chips which are
compatible with the A3000.

If they are compatible I will try and get hold of the boards and prevent them
from being trashed before the RAM has been removed.

Bert Volders
^^^^^Don't go there, its not finished yet...
ICQ_Nick: Speedy
ICQ_UIN: 38809545

Message 37939

From :Andrew Crowe <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Wipeout2097 -Links
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 18:20:49 +0000
Hi Everybody,

>>   Um, y'know, maybe the reason is simply that the Playstation version =
>> written in hand optimised PSX asm, while the PC version is in C, thus
>> being /slightly/ easer to do a port of?
> =

> I think you'll find 99.999% of PSX games are written in C if you don't
> believe me have a look at the exe.. look for stuff like %ld %d etc...

   Maybe C is used for stuff like the title screen menues/basic ingame en=
gine etc. but I think you'll find that all the important stuff (the rende=
ring engine, the game loop etc.) is in ASM.  Don't forget, the PSX only h=
as a ~30mhz processor, and C is just not fast enough, even with a (let's =
not forget old) 3d co-processos and whatnot.

See ya :)
-- =

       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
       ICQ: 21829166        =

 Homepage updated 5/8/99 --- James Bond on GFX Card & CPU players!
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
              Due to the current financial restraints,
the light at the end of the tunnel will be turned off until further notic=

Message 37940

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Ideas for cool stuff to add to an OS (COOLIDEA)
Date: 24 Nov 99 18:23:00 +0000
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 17:44:57 -0000, Sealey, M. ( wrote:
> > Are there any other decent things you'd like to see
> > that you have seen on other Operating Systems and
> > would like on your Amiga? Nail them here :)
> > 
> > Can you leave the COOLIDEA tag up in the subject so
> > I can filter these to stand out? Thanks :)
> Just remembered another one: Autorunning CDs.
> Configurable per-CD, of course, but useful for
> games which install (so they can say install or
> repair/uninstall/nevershowthisdamnedthingeveragain)

Or better still, if a cd which has a startup-sequence file or whatever is
inserted, it can just say "execute this file" and maybe show bit of help
text on it or something?


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 37941

From :"Danny Shepherd" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Cannot soft reboot
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 13:24:32 -0000
Hello All,

On 32/11/99 Bill wrote about "Cannot soft reboot"

> My brother-in-law has an Amiga A1200 rev:id.1.
> It will only reboot on a hard reset.  It seems that the hard drive is
> non-existant on a soft reset as all that comes up is the "put in disk"
> animation.
> Inserting the Workbench disk and attempting a soft reboot only shows the
> disk icon and Ram:. again determining the hard drive is not recognised.
> The cable from the 3.5" HD to the motherboard has the 1st. line cut.
> He has just purchased a new accel board but cannot determine if this is a
> as the Amiga A1200 (s/h) is also a current purchase. The HDrive and his
> previous accell board (board now defunct) worked OK on his previous A1200
> defunct).

Have you tried re-connecting line 1 on the cable? - this solved the problem
with my HD.

Danny Shepherd
UIN: 30044173
Member of the Amiga RC5-64 cracking team.
Current Rate: 2.63 MKeys/sec

Message 37942

From :Andrew Crowe <>
Subject: [afb] Re: I-Win machines available for review
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 18:31:14 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> so...tell me, what PC would I have to buy to get 40Mhz 040 Amiga
> performance under emulation..with sound, serial and AGA.
> compare this to 180 ukp

   Judging how WinUAE runs on my PII333, I'd say you'd need about a... Pe=
ntium 10,000mhz to get it that fast.

   Actually, it /may/ actually be able to run windows usably with that ki=
nd of CPU, well, maybe not :)

See ya :)
-- =

       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
       ICQ: 21829166        =

 Homepage updated 5/8/99 --- James Bond on GFX Card & CPU players!
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
I did *not* have a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky, but
I'll admit this, I /did/ splash out on a new dress.
-- Bill Clinton

Message 37943

From :Alan Bailey <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Chipmem
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 17:30:52 +0000
Hello M.

On 24-Nov-99, you wrote:

>>> Can anyone tell me the name of a program that forces wb to 
>>> use fastmem instead of chipmem "Not WBCtrl - i only have
>>> OS3.1" thanks in advance
> Why did you put the last bit in quotes?

Because i wanted to make it clear that i only have OS3.1 :-(


/UIN/ - 42618074
<tsb>#   // Powered By Amiga #
<tsb># \X/    A1200 030/50   #
Confucius say...Passionate kiss, like spider web, lead to undoing of fly.

Message 37944

From :Alan Bailey <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Chipmem
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 17:31:03 +0000
Hello Alan

On 24-Nov-99, you wrote:

> FBlit can help...but one change of OS3.5 was to have OS use the FastRAM
> instead of ChipRAM...mark that down as another reson to upgrade

I need a new HD first then i will upgrade to OS3.5 but have more important
things to spend my money on at the moment :-(


/UIN/ - 42618074
<tsb>#   // Powered By Amiga #
<tsb># \X/    A1200 030/50   #
WARNING: consumption of alcohol may make you think you are whispering when
you are not.

Message 37945

From :Andrew Crowe <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga console games
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 18:40:57 +0000
Hi Everybody,

>> Hi Alan,
>> =

>>> well, thats why i changed the subject line...but back onto subject,
>>> these analogue PSX controllers should be usable under future Amiga ga=
>>> thanks to the parallel interface
> =

> =

> Speaking of this, my boss wants to use his PSX Dual shock on his PC, an=
d no
> one mokes a convertor.  You'd have thought that they would do it for a =
> first.  1up for the Amiga.

   Actually, you can make a custom connector to connect all sorts of cont=
rolers (PSX, N64, Snes etc.) to a parallel port, and some shareware PC so=
ftware to use 'em.

See ya :)
-- =

       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
       ICQ: 21829166        =

 Homepage updated 5/8/99 --- James Bond on GFX Card & CPU players!
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
"Bother," said Pooh, as /he/ won the Miss World 99 championships

Message 37946

From :Mike Quinlan <>
Subject: [afb] Review OS3.5
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 13:44:18 -0500
Ignore my earlier question of where to send this.

I have a number of Amiga systems.

CDTV with OS3.1 and 2meg chipram on motherboard.

A2000 with GVP060/50MHz 40M Fram 2M Chip 200M HD 3.1 rom OS3.5 installed.=

A2000T with GVP030/33Mhz 9M Fram 2M Chip 4.5G HD  3.1 rom OS3.5 installed=

Both have SCSI with CDRom drives.

The 030 is in a tower with a Picasso II. =

It should be the 060 but it is not stable.

A4000DT 030/25Mhz 16M Fram 2M Chip 1.6G HD 3.1 roms OS 3.5 installed.

OS3.5 pre-ordered at the special price and I included the rom upgrade for=

the 4000.

They arrived promptly when the release date was announced as official.

I took out the instructions and read them carefully (really). They seemed=

straight forward.

I decided to do the install on the 060 2000 first as this is really just =
test bed until i figure out whats happening with the 060.

Put in the CD. Open the icons, started the installer. Did the pre-install=
rebooted system failed. I need the 060 lib from the GVP disc. Sorted. Try=

for the main install, no joy. Keep getting message do the pre-install
first. I finally discovered after 3 days that I needed to install 3.1 fro=
the CD first, this is dispite the 3.1 already in place. Just didn't like =
3.1. No mention of this in the instructions.

The installs on the other machines went really well, no problem.

I do like the new look and I do like the icons, although it has slowed my=

2000 030 down. A really nice touch is the extra icons on the CD.  With PI=
the workbench looks so professional that even my PC owning son was

I am dissapointed with the internet stuff. I thought we may have had a FR=
bundled packaged for once in our lives. Its not to be. Although the Miami=

is supposed to be free soon. AWeb is a demo. I have not tried the emailer=


I found that ARQ does not work anymore, I don't know why. The menus still=

work fine although very slow to respond on my 030, mouse moves over the
item and I'm expecting it to be highlighted straight away like is was und=
3.1, so I shoot past and then have to back track.

The CD lets you make an emergency boot disc. Take the hint and do it.

Although the new OS supports big drives it says I have had major problem
partitioning the 4.5G SCSI. It crashed bad, took out two partitions. I
could not revalidate them. I formatted one partition and lost four. I had=

to do a full repartition. =

The HDToolbox brought up the drive, looked at the drive and then said it
could not read the drive. I setup a 250M WB partition and install OS3.5 t=
it. I then used the HDToolbox on the disc to pertition the rest of the
drive. For some weird reason I cannot setup partitions above 3G, they see=
to double back on themselves and over write each other. Thats been left f=

But it brings me to another item I would have liked in the new OS. A HD
rescue program for disc's over 4G. Whats the point of supporting the big
drive if you still cannot rescue data from it when things go wrong. I kno=
you should backup regular, but everyone at some time has got the partitio=
invalidated or had it appear with DHx:?/Lk whatever.

I have not give each of the systems a full work out if you know what I me=
so up to now I cannot comment on how 3.5 intereacts with other programs. =
know it has not stopped the 060 from crashing, and I still get the odd
crash on the 030. The 4000 seem to be very stable at the moment.

On the face of it I like it and I think it was worth the few quid for it.=
would have liked the internet stuff to be complete and free. If it had I
could have convinced a few owners of dusty Amigas to drag them out and bo=
them up.


Mike Q.

Message 37947

From :Mike Quinlan <>
Subject: [afb] MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 13:44:15 -0500
Message text written by
>we need this OS3.5 comments page or we'll
just have to go with an empty left-hand page. Send in your comments now!<=

Sorry Ben,

who and where do we send them, I'm fairly new to this afb.


Mike Q.

Message 37948

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 19:01:00 +0000
Hi Mike,

>> we need this OS3.5 comments page or we'll
> just have to go with an empty left-hand page. Send in your comments now!<

> who and where do we send them, I'm fairly new to this afb.

Thanks anyway, but we finally got enough yesterday.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Follow your dream! Unless it's the one where you're 
wondering what it would be like to be eaten by ants.

Message 37949

From :Darren Silcock <>
Subject: [afb] Piv-Moo-Vid and SGrab
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 18:47:10 +0100
I'm trying to grab a workbench pic with a Avi/Mov playing (but on pause),
but the grab works fine it just leaves the contents of the Piv-Moo-Vid
window empty (black)

Any ideas anybody, if it's somethink completely obvious, go easy

Message 37950

From :Darren Silcock <>
Subject: [afb] 0S3.5
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 18:39:00 +0100
Just installed 3.5, I've had to disable DOpus for now (v5.56 extremely slow
on WBPattern loading and the obvious icon colours), so will being updating
to v5.8 plus patch.

NOW for the problem.

When I try and use the palette prefs or any anything that uses the colour
wheel, up pops a requester saying I need *"gadgets/colorwheel v44*" I HAVE
THIS (v44.5). I've been through everything on my system partion and checked
version levels of nearly everything.

If anybody can shed any light on this I would appreciate it.

*0.S 3.5*

Having only used it for a couple of days and putting aside that I have had
to revert back to standard workbench for a bit, I think it was definitly a
worthwhile upgrade. It seems alot more stable and fresh (if that's the
right word). A new icon STANDARD I think is good and are quicker than
Newicons. Although I do have one greif (sorry 2). 

1>. I have a PicassioIV and scrolling a picture in multiview seems an awful
alot slower than on 3.1 


2>. The installation didnot, in my case change all system icons to the new
Glowicons, I was left with a mix a match - very untidy.

I think extra configurable menus would have made it better, or would this be
considered a "hack"

And if you've not lost interest and got to the end of this


P.S I'm sick of the ASL requester now being massive is there any way of
changing this.

Message 37951

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Piv-Moo-Vid and SGrab
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 19:05:45 +0000
Hi Darren,

> I'm trying to grab a workbench pic with a Avi/Mov playing (but on pause),
> but the grab works fine it just leaves the contents of the Piv-Moo-Vid
> window empty (black)

> Any ideas anybody, if it's somethink completely obvious, go easy

It is completely obvious, but not easy to resolve. You are using PIV Moovid
which opens a PIP window which is an overlay on the normal gfx card
picture. As far as the Amiga is concerned it's only displaying a plain
black window, which is why it's so fast.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Click... Click... Damn!  Out of taglines!

Message 37952

From :Tudor Davies <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Partnumbers A3000 compatible ZIP RAM (ZIG-ZAG casing)?
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 19:28:22 +0100
On Wed, Nov 24, 1999 at 05:57:36PM +0100, Bert Volders wrote:

> Then I was surprised to see that the video-memory chips looked a lot like
> those ZIP-chips in those weird ZIG-ZAG housings. So at home I started
> searching for my A3000 manual but failed to find it. Now I would like to know
> if anyone on this list knows the partnumbers of the ZIP-chips which are
> compatible with the A3000.

Have a look at

Might hold a clue....
Otherwise I will try and find my A3K manual when I get home tonight.



Tudor Davies                         Running Amiga, Mac, PC & Unices
                                     Technology in Perfect Harmony                     
Visit         Specialist in Internet Security & ISP      Support (RADIUS, Firewalls & Routing)

Message 37953

From :Ben Chapman <>
Subject: [afb] Aminet Blues
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 19:22:03 +0100
Hello guys and (guyesses?)

When is Aminet UK going to be back up and running? It's been down for
months.... have they dropped it or something? The only thing that works on
it is the tree directory.... :(

Best Regards

Ben (I was gonna start writing articles for AF, but i couldn't think of

Message 37954

From :Mike Quinlan <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 060/3.5 problems
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 13:44:19 -0500
Message text written by
>are you running an CPU patches/maths patches etc?

otherwise, if these crashes are very random, its power or heat<

No patches. Bog standard OS3.5 nothing else.

060 has a fan attached.

It fails with no memory on board.

Its been in two different 2000's same problem.

GVP will not acknowledge my emails.


Mike Q

Message 37955

From :"Alex Furmanski" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Wipeout2097 -Links
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 19:27:05 -0000
Hi Michael

> > Sometimes the exclusive licenses work. It worked to Goldeneye's
> > advantage (no other company would have made as good a game as Rare)
> >
> Goldeneye (the game) plot did not follow the film plot to has
> gaps
> in it!!

It's a damn fine game though.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -
ICQ - 51206302

This week's lie: Kangaroos evolved on Jupiter where the powerful hind legs
compensate for the enormous gravitational field. They found their way to
Earth after getting lost foraging for gum leaves.

Message 37956

From :Frost <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mods on AFCDs (was: Reader interaction with AF)
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 19:01:20 +0100
Hi Andrew

On 23-Nov-99, you wrote:

> So, if the group/writers themselves don't care about the copyright, does
> this mean I can get my mod on the CD?
> Oh, the group - work it out.  1987 is a clue.

I'm going to guess it's KLF.

If not, I'm going to say KLF anyway, just cos I haven't thought about them in

"Bother," said Pooh, as the small child choked on his eyes.

Message 37957

From :"Nyk Tarr" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: 24 Nov 99 18:25:35 +0000
Once upon a time in the land of AF-ml,
oruk-amigan wrote:

> Hi,

> This is not good, Ben sent yesterday a mail entitled "MANAGE", and yet
> it seems so little have responded to the request for opinions on OS3.5.
>  As Ben said, it really just show the apathy of this group.  I thought
> we were supposed to be all a friendly bunch? :)  Seems not, so come on
> guys and gals, write Ben a comment on what you think of OS3.5 (if you
> have it, which I hope you do!), otherwise not only will we have a half
> empty page in AF, but it isn't giving a good impression of ourselves as
> a group.  Oh well.  :(

Maybe we're just too shy?

   ____  _
   /__   _]|  http://                                      Team AMIGA
  / \/  |_ |  Find me on usenet:
 /  /\   _)|
Your lucky number is 3552664958674928.  Watch for it everywhere.

Message 37958

From :Patrice Champarou <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Blimey!
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 20:42:01 +0200
Hello Kevin ( yes, again! )

On 24-Nov-99, you wrote:

> *Phew*  I wondered what I'd done then ... =

  Phew too, it's a relief to read from someone who feels like me :)

> I thought you'd heard the joke I told at work yesterday about French co=
ws =

> (Given what they're eating, do French cows say "Poo" instead of "Moo" -=

  No, but I like it - and don't really care, since I'm rich enough to aff=
going to a real butcher's now! My daughter isn't that lucky, she lives in=

Belgium so she's decided to become a vegetarian.

> Personally I think it is the old winter blues setting in =

  So many coincidences - I'm a blues addict, and I've always thought we
should all be hibernating from November to February ( inclusively )

> - trying to defrost a car windscreen at 7am in the dark =

  I can guess from that your garage has turned into a junk-shed just like=

mine! But the worst thing is the frost that comes back again inside the
as soon as you start driving, after noticing you were going to be late fo=
work anyway. Do you live 15 miles south of London? ( previous experience =

> C'est la vie ...

/  Louis Jouvet : My life is no existence!/
/  Arletty:             Do you think my existence is life?'/
/  Jacques Pr=E9vert ( from the film 'Hotel du Nord' - own approximate
translation )/

  But, er... yes, thanks for your answer!


Message 37959

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Piv-Moo-Vid and SGrab
Date: 24 Nov 99 19:47:15 +0000
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 18:47:10 +0100, Darren Silcock (darren@d-m-s=2Efsnet=2E=
co=2Euk) wrote:
> I'm trying to grab a workbench pic with a Avi/Mov playing (but on pause),
> but the grab works fine it just leaves the contents of the Piv-Moo-Vid
> window empty (black)
> Any ideas anybody, if it's somethink completely obvious, go easy

You can't (AFAIK)=2E  I've asked L=E1szl=F3 T=F6r=F6k about this and he sai=
d that the
grabs he has done are fake - he stuck the avi clip in later on!

C'est la vie =2E=2E=2E


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 37960

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Drumming up adverts (Was Amiga Pamphlet Revisited)
Date: 24 Nov 99 18:54:02 +0000
Hi Ben
> Unfortunately, if it were as simple as that, then it would be done. Believe
> me, the folk at Future want to make AF a profitable concern, and that's why
> the mag's still running even at 92 pages - because it makes money, but
> binders, clothes, etc. won't, and that's why they aren't produced.

On the advertising point, surely the demographics of AF's readers must
appeal to some non community firms. Canon, Hewlett Packard, Psion,
Palm, GAP, Carphone Warehouse, Becks (maybe even Ribena or Oxy? ;)

We may be few in number but we do (as much as any readership) have
common traits that it may be possible to promote to sell space to
other industries. And it's not as though a colour page in AF costs a
fortune :(

I'm sure your classified teams do cold call, so if future are keen on
keeping AF going, have them sell AF as a small bolt on to other titles
used for a campaign. I'm sure with the right campaign AF offers unique
access for the right type of advertiser.
Anthony Prime
>>Milennium Bug? No Problem - Powered by Amiga in Crewe

Message 37961

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Blimey!
Date: 24 Nov 99 21:01:01 +0000
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 20:42:01 +0200, Patrice Champarou (pmchamp@club-interne=
t=2Efr) wrote:
> Hello Kevin ( yes, again! )


> On 24-Nov-99, you wrote:
> > *Phew*  I wondered what I'd done then =2E=2E=2E=20
>   Phew too, it's a relief to read from someone who feels like me :)


> > I thought you'd heard the joke I told at work yesterday about French co=
> > (Given what they're eating, do French cows say "Poo" instead of "Moo" -
>   No, but I like it - and don't really care, since I'm rich enough to aff=
> going to a real butcher's now! My daughter isn't that lucky, she lives in=
> Belgium so she's decided to become a vegetarian=2E

Probably the best thing to do=2E  i've only been to Belgium once (to watch =
rock concert) and it's not going to win any awards for it's cuisine!
> > Personally I think it is the old winter blues setting in=20
>   So many coincidences - I'm a blues addict, and I've always thought we
> should all be hibernating from November to February ( inclusively )

That's probably a good idea=2E  A nice, warm snug bed =2E=2E=2E ahhh =2E=2E=
> > - trying to defrost a car windscreen at 7am in the dark=20
>   I can guess from that your garage has turned into a junk-shed just like
> mine! But the worst thing is the frost that comes back again inside the
> windscreen
> as soon as you start driving, after noticing you were going to be late fo=
> work anyway=2E Do you live 15 miles south of London? ( previous experienc=
e :)

Garage?? We don't have a garage - my car is parked on the street outside
the house!  And yes, it is really bad when it starts to get misty on the
inside too - you put your wipers on and it doesn't clear up!  Eeek!

> > C'est la vie =2E=2E=2E
> /  Louis Jouvet : My life is no existence!/
> /  Arletty:             Do you think my existence is life?'/
> /  Jacques Pr=E9vert ( from the film 'Hotel du Nord' - own approximate
> translation )/

Not seen it =2E=2E=2E sorry!
>   But, er=2E=2E=2E yes, thanks for your answer!

No problem  :)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 37962

From :Armin <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Who the **** is Daphne?
Date: 24 Nov 99 21:59:54 +0100
Hi Gareth, on 24-Nov-99, at 18:07:02, you wrote:

>> for real now, Daphne was at one time an Amiga chip,
>> i cant remember where i heard/read this info but
>> Daphne did exist.

> Daphne became Denise around 1986/7.

The date of Fred Fish' Amiga Library disk no. 19 is
8th April 1986.

A copy of Jay Miner's slideshow is on this disk.

The pictures had previously been used in his lectures
about the chipset he had designed, and the names used
are Agnus, Denise and Paula.

Does anyone on this list know of any kind of evidence
- predating this first hand information -
for other names on the Amiga chipset?



Message 37963

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: The beginning of the end?
Date: 24 Nov 99 20:52:18 +0000
Ahh, Mr Vost

> It *is* just paranoia. For God's sake, we're profitable! We're budgeted
> until the end of next year! Everything's okay! Aaarrgghh! What else do I
> have to say? As long as you lot keep buying the mag, we'll keep producing
> it.

You're just saying that to keep me happy, I know you are  <:0)
Anthony Prime
>>Milennium Bug? No Problem - Powered by Amiga in Crewe

Message 37964

From :Wesley Potter <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Who the **** is Daphne?
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 22:11:21 +0000
On 24-Nov-99, Armin wrote:

> So, apart from the ICPUG Newsletter, where are Daphne
> and Portia mentioned?

Amiga Format Special #4 The Encyclopedia of the Amiga

See Ya
Wesley Potter ICQ: 34306277
Amiga Online Technical Support available at
Mailing list:

Message 37965

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Bifford the youngest
Date: 24 Nov 99 19:05:43 +0000
According to Samuel, there's something good going on and it's
something to do with [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5.
> > Manage: posts? What are they?
> Hmm.  Me thinks your yanking my leg........

No, seriously, what are they?  (see bottom of mail for smiley)

> > Well you might have a new baby brother/sister/cousin/son/daughter.
> > What are you gonna do when that happens, eh?

> It aint gonna happen. 

Well I didn't know that, did I...

> > btw all your writing is black on black at the moment so I've
> > probably quoted it all wrong!
> Change your prefs

Nah, it's because I was running Microdot on a 4 colour screen.

> Bifford the Youngest, still

Paul C, is there a "Bifford the Eldest" or "Bifford the third oldest"?
... "Bother," said Pooh, when the vice squad found his collection of JPGs.

Message 37966

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: gfx cards
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 09:49:58 +0000
Hi Michael,

> Don't forget it does not have a graphics card according to your earlier
> mail....

I think I know what's in my own machine. Yes, it has a gfx card - a
fully-loaded Picasso IV. But we also have a Picasso IV in the office, so it
didn't need mentioning.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
           Behaviourist psychology: 
          pulling habits out of rats

Message 37967

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Vost? Irc? It's all the same to me...
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 09:50:55 +0000
Hi Ben,

>> If the idiots who frequent IRC knew me any better they'd know I never go
>> on IRC...

> Can i quote you on that please? :-))

You can, and I'm referring to idiots, not that everyone is an idiot on IRC.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Try this:

Message 37968

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AFCD Surveys
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 13:43:10 +0000
Hi Daniel,

> Can't agree there; if someone asks for a copy of Miami on the CD, it'd
> be more logical to put it in the comms drawer. Failing that, how about a
> subdirectory in the requests drawer; one for games and one for serious
> software?

If someone asks us to put Miami on the CD, they obviously having been paying
much attention for the last six CDs since it's been on every one, but I
still disagree. If you've sent in a request for something it makes far more
sense to go look for it in a requests drawer than scattered all over the
CD. Also, what would be the point of artificially subdividing the requests
drawer further?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Parsimonious Marketing Executive Blamed For Advertising Hoarding

Message 37969

From :"Oliver Masters" <>
Subject: [afb] Subject threading
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 22:56:56 +0100
Hi all,

I know that there has been a great deal said recently about making the
subject line of messages reflect what is actually in them, but I'm having a
right game trying to figure out where things are ending up now.

I'll explain what I mean. Let's say for example that a mail is posted with
the subject "RedHat Linux" and the first 6 people reply with Re:"RedHat
Linux". The last of these is slightly off topic in that someone decides to
talk about their new red hat, this is where I lose the plot. Whereas before
I could just keep following the "RedHat Linux" subject to keep up with the
thread, even though it had no relevance to what was in the mail, I now find
that I'm having to try and find and follow three or four different subjects
("My hat is red", "I don't have a red hat", and "Stop talking about red
hats") just in case I miss anything relevant to the original ("RedHat
Linux") mail which has ended up being posted with the wrong subject by
someone almost as confused as me. Did that make any sense at all?

I'm hoping that someone will point out something really obvious that I've
missed that will help me return some semblance of order to my afb mails,
either that or you'll all get lazy and stop changing the subject line
without changing the actual subject of the mail quite so often.

I guess someone's going to reply to this with a totally different subject
line now just to do my head in even more ;)

See ya later,
thAOUGht On-Line User Group Member
thOAUGht meet in #AmigaZone on DalNet IRC.
Visit for more info on #AmigaZone and thAOUGht.

Message 37970

From :Bert Volders <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Partnumbers A3000 compatible ZIP RAM (ZIG-ZAG casing)?
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 00:10:40 +0100
Hey Tudor

On 24-nov-99, you wrote:

> Have a look at
> Might hold a clue....

Could not find the answer here. It should be clear that I was meaning ZIP
(instead of DIL) package with the term ZIG-ZAG.

> Otherwise I will try and find my A3K manual when I get home tonight.
> l8r


Bert Volders
^^^^^Don't go there, its not finished yet...
ICQ_Nick: Speedy
ICQ_UIN: 38809545

Message 37972

From :"Eng. Ricardo Fitzgerald" <>
Subject: [afb] Amiga OS 3.5 Woes
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 21:38:52 -0300

    Since I've installed 3.5 I had many problems, the first and most
important is with printers, my Epson Color Stylus 300 used to work
flawlessly with 3.1, because 3.5 has only new HP printers, I had to
reinstall (clean) Turboprint 7, but very strange things happen!!!!
When trying to print anything the background is filled with color garbage
even though the text was only b/w ... If I try to print a color logo, it
messes it up in printing different parts of it in single colors (like color
separations), but repeating it several times. So my question is should I
have to wait for an "official" Epson Stylus Color driver, what changes I
have to do in order to make it work ????

2. Not very annoying I can't open any text using multiview, it crashes the
whole system, I have to open text using more or ced or ed.

3. How I get rid of my Power Up libs ?

4. The scripts for converting MWB icons and NewIcons caused crashes after
scanning my whole drive, and not all the icons were converted, if I check
them with IconEdit they just show two lines of colors...

BTW. How can I mount a SyQuest ?, the SCSI mounter program from the Blizzard
SCSI installer disk, didn't see it ...




Ricardo Fitzgerald A1500T Micronik Blizzard PPC 603e+ 240
OmNI   & 040 25Mhz
   CyberVision 64 3D
   64 Mb RAM CD 40 x HD6.4 Gb  VLabMotion
   A2000 Apollo 2030 030 50 Mhz 32 Mb Wb3.1
   PowerMac 9500 150 96 Mb RAM
ICQ: 37031810

Message 37973

From :"Jonathan Day" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Drumming up adverts (Was Amiga Pamphlet Revisited)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 00:46:53 -0000
Hi Anthony

> On the advertising point, surely the demographics of AF's readers must
> appeal to some non community firms. Canon, Hewlett Packard, Psion,
> Palm, GAP, Carphone Warehouse, Becks (maybe even Ribena or Oxy? ;)

IIRC, readers have complained in the past when adverts for non-Amiga related
stuff have appeared: "muscle maker", "101 ways to get a girl" (or such like)
and the more recent Sex lines.  I personnally couldn`t give a damn, if it
means a secured/larger mag.

> I'm sure your classified teams do cold call, so if future are keen on
> keeping AF going, have them sell AF as a small bolt on to other titles
> used for a campaign. I'm sure with the right campaign AF offers unique
> access for the right type of advertiser.
> --
The Bolt On idea sounds good - like how the freeby papers get half their

> Anthony Prime

Message 37974

From :"Jonathan Day" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Sony & Wipeout2097 (was -Links)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 00:50:47 -0000
Hi Alan
> >   Not forgotten.  But Sony do love thier exclusives, that's why the
> > for the playstation version was only on the playstation (and not the
> > PC/Saturn/N64.  Oh yeah, and Amiga!)
> well, nice to see that 007 is going to appear on the Playstation this
> time around...I hate these 'exclusive licences'. No Tomb Raider on Amiga
> because of an Eidos Goldeneye on Playstation etc
> alan

I`m sure I read in a PC mag last week that there is no (at least official)
deal between Eidos and Sony.  The Amiga has always lacked a mascot.
Lemmings would have been great, but.....


Message 37975

From :"Jonathan Day" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Blimey!
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 00:55:05 -0000
Hi Kev

> Ben asked for a one liner on OS3.5 to be mailed to Clare Hatfield, which 5
> people (including myself) sent.  Apathy seemed to have affected the other
> or so people on here, so Ben (rightly so IMHO) had a go at everyone.
> The worst part is, the original five of us who did reply are going to look
> bad in comparison as we only wrote one line and not half a page!
The worst part is that it seems that it was people who don`t contribute that
much to afb who bothered to respond.

> Bah humbug  ;-)

And a merry christmas to you too ;-)


Message 37976

From :"Jonathan Day" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Pamphlet Revisited
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 01:01:40 -0000
Hi Ben

>Well, we did have advertising for the Cerberus, but have you noticed that
neither Blittersoft nor Weird Science are advertising in the mag? That's why
there are no ads for Cerberus.

(sorry, Outlook has gone funny)

So what`s happened to Hisoft, Blittersoft....?  Can`t you convince them to
do a one off every so often, just to remind people they`re around?
Especially Blittersoft, what with Wipeout released.  Perhaps if they had put
a little more effort on the advert, they`d have had more response (thinking
of the one from Hisoft that never changed for about a year advertising C4D
and bugger all else on a full page)


Message 37977

From :Bippy M <>
Subject: [afb] Phone Codes
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 01:36:00 +0000
Hiya Guys,

I've written a program that displays dialling codes, it is upto date and the
codes are configurable.. I have a 15000+ uk codes file that will come with
it, but I need to get hold of lists of area codes for other countries (Any
will do).. So if any of you guys from abroad can send me or give me the URL
of places I can get the codes I'd much appreciate it :)

If anyone is interested in my little proggie then email me but put AmPCSReg
as the subject..

x----------------| |-----------------x
|                                                                    |
|  Current Projects:                                                 |
|                    Overflow (Pipemania Clone) [..^.......] 30%     |
|                    Packer2Packer Suite        [.^........] 20%     |
|                                                                    |
x----------------| |-----------------x

Message 37978

Subject: [afb] BRIGHTON!!!
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 18:08:40 -0800
Just been looking over the past two days in afb and I am another
brightonian--That makes at least four or five of us.

surely enough for a Brighton Amiga group meeting down the pub.

btw Ive just forked out 100 sqid for ifx 4 and ive heard that theres
some problems with os3.5.  Im not gonna fork out 40 quid for that if it
dosent work with ifx.

Please someone tell me that there is no real problems so that I can
navigate wb with my arrow keys!!!

Message 37979

From :Ben Chapman <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Vost? Irc? It's all the same to me...
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 03:07:25 +0100
Hello Ben

> You can, and I'm referring to idiots, not that everyone is an idiot on
> IRC.

Don't worry, i knew what you meant anyway. :-)

I only really go on #Amirc on Dalnet... it's the official Amiga help chan,
so you get a good laff in there.... 

Your right tho.... there are a /lot /of idiots on irc and on the rest of the
net for that matter...

I think i wrote to you before by the way about doing some articles for
AF..... maybe i could get something together and make AF a bit fatter? :)

Anyway of helping the Amiga is a good one....

Best Regards

Ben Chapman

{To be read in the way that these jokes appear on The Fast Show on BBC2....}

"So there i was, sitting at my pc, thinking "What shall i do? I have just
bought what is supposed to be the greatest OS on the planet, made by the
richest man on the earth".... Then.. all of a sudden, it occured to me.....
"It's crap!" So i went and used my Amiga.... 

Which was nice...

Message 37980

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Blimey!
Date: 25 Nov 99 06:25:10 +0000
On Thu, 25 Nov 1999 00:55:05 -0000, Jonathan Day ( wrote:
> Hi Kev

> > Ben asked for a one liner on OS3.5 to be mailed to Clare Hatfield, which 5
> > people (including myself) sent.  Apathy seemed to have affected the other 850
> > or so people on here, so Ben (rightly so IMHO) had a go at everyone.
> >
> > The worst part is, the original five of us who did reply are going to look
> > bad in comparison as we only wrote one line and not half a page!
> The worst part is that it seems that it was people who don`t contribute that
> much to afb who bothered to respond.

I take it you're on about the follow-up posts to afb, not the ones directly
to Clare Hatfield here.  I know that to some people this might be easy to
understand, but it's about 6.25 am cos I've just got up for work.  Anyway
yeah, I agree, quite a few of those additional posts did seem to be from
people who I hadn't really "noticed" on here before ...

Unless you're just having a sly dig at me  ;-)

> > Bah humbug  ;-)
> And a merry christmas to you too ;-)

Don't you start!  It's still November.  It's not Christmas for another
month!  Yes people, there are 30 days to go ...


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 37981

Subject: [afb] which accelerator?
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 00:27:12 -0800

In my continuing range of which? articles you now have me whinging on
about which accelerator to buy for my a1200. I have a maximum of =A3200
to spend and that must include memory. Before anyone suggests it i
don't want just an 030 I am looking for 040 or higher but i don't know
which accelerator to buy.


Message 37982

From :"Andrew McCombe" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mods on AFCDs (was: Reader interaction with AF)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 08:46:49 -0000
> If not, I'm going to say KLF anyway, just cos I haven't thought about them
> ages...

Check out the following url:

Its got loads of stuff on the KLF etc, including free MP3's of their back
catalogue.  Because I only use the net at work (PC), the sounds page can
only be accessed once - so I can't get any more tracks.  Maybe an Amiga
browser bypassed this?

Message 37983

Subject: [afb] Re: which accelerator?
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 01:37:08 -0800
> In my continuing range of which? articles you now have me whinging on
> about which accelerator to buy for my a1200. I have a maximum of =A3200
> to spend and that must include memory. Before anyone suggests it i
> don't want just an 030 I am looking for 040 or higher but i don't know
> which accelerator to buy.

You could go for the Blizzard 1240 now made my DCE, available from Power
Or you could find a second-hand BlizzardPPC board!


Message 37984

From :Alex Timiney <>
Subject: [afb] Re: I-Win machines available for review
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 09:37:54 -0800
Andrew Crowe wrote:

>    Judging how WinUAE runs on my PII333, I'd say you'd need about a... Pentium 10,000mhz to get it that fast.
>    Actually, it /may/ actually be able to run windows usably with that kind of CPU, well, maybe not :)
Nah, of course not - Windows wouldn't recognise the proccessor an it'd
give this error - "Error: CPU not installed"

Mail me a kipper, I'll be spoked for breakfast.

Message 37985

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Vost? Irc? It's all the same to me...
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 09:34:50 +0000
Hi Ben,

> I think i wrote to you before by the way about doing some articles for
> AF..... maybe i could get something together and make AF a bit fatter? :)

Well, yes. We're always interested in readers getting in on the writing game
- just ask Kev Fairhurst, but it won't make AF any fatter for the
frequently explained reason that it takes ads to make AF fatter again.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Excuse for the day: only available on an NTK basis

Message 37986

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: BRIGHTON!!!
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 09:36:00 +0000

> btw Ive just forked out 100 sqid for ifx 4 and ive heard that theres
> some problems with os3.5.  Im not gonna fork out 40 quid for that if it
> dosent work with ifx.

> Please someone tell me that there is no real problems so that I can
> navigate wb with my arrow keys!!!

I've been using IFX 4 on WB3.5 for a while now with no trouble, but
apparently there's a (free) patch due anyway...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 37987

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AFCD Surveys
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 09:44:50 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> Which is why Oliver wrote AFCDFind. I want a PDF player, so I search
> on all my AFCDs for the string PDF
> Job done.

only if its a decent name. I can imagine a PDF viewer being called
'Acrobat' for example. ;-)


Message 37988

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Chipmem
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 09:47:32 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> So it looks like he's going to get FBlit. Right, go and get
> the LATEST version from and install
> it, and set the task list to Exclude and don't fill it in. Make
> sure everything except the FBltClear() patch is installed and
> enabled, and get the QBC and FText() patches from 
> - make sure FBlit is installed
> before MCP or any other graphics-patching system, and definitely
> AFTER anything like PoolMem or CopyMemQuick. In fact, MCP is
> bound to mess stuff up if you don't have a clue.

eurgh! so glad I have a gfx card! :-)
by the way, theres now a CGFX driver for the Ateo Pixel64 - so maybe
Matts suggestion of a CGX v's P96 might be a good idea :-)


PS It might be a good idea for P96 to be renamed P99 too ;-)

Message 37989

From :Alex Timiney <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mag Prices (was " Vost? Irc? It's all the same to me...")
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 09:53:50 -0800
Ben Vost wrote:
> Well, yes. We're always interested in readers getting in on the writing game
> - just ask Kev Fairhurst, but it won't make AF any fatter for the
> frequently explained reason that it takes ads to make AF fatter again.

Maybe if we just paid a little more? maybe 51p? how many extra pages
could you put in for that? (and note the odd 1p so its not 6.49 - I hate
it when 1p is taken off nice round numbers, as if it makes it look
cheaper. I'd much rather pay 10 for something than 9.99. I've got
about 50 in 1p coins lying about from all the things 've bought which
have benn X.99 !)

Oh, and how about putting both the floppies and the CD on the same mag -
that way you don't have to worry about how many of each type to make,
you free up a little space on the CD, and you give CDless users a good
reason to upgrade ("all those CD and no way to read them... unless I get
a CD drive, yey.")

Mail me a kipper, I'll be spoked for breakfast.

Message 37990

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mag Prices (was " Vost? Irc? It's all the same to me...")
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 09:54:33 +0000
Hi Alex,

>> Well, yes. We're always interested in readers getting in on the writin=
>> game - just ask Kev Fairhurst, but it won't make AF any fatter for the=

>> frequently explained reason that it takes ads to make AF fatter again.=

> Maybe if we just paid a little more? maybe 51p? how many extra pages
> could you put in for that? (and note the odd 1p so its not 6.49 - I hat=
> it when 1p is taken off nice round numbers, as if it makes it look
> cheaper. I'd much rather pay =A310 for something than =A39.99. I've got=

> about =A350 in 1p coins lying about from all the things 've bought whic=
> have benn =A3X.99 !)

No, sorry, you'll keep all those pennies and paying more won't help eithe=
One of the problems right now is there isn't enough stuff to review, and =
for news, well...

> Oh, and how about putting both the floppies and the CD on the same mag =
> that way you don't have to worry about how many of each type to make,
> you free up a little space on the CD, and you give CDless users a good
> reason to upgrade ("all those CD and no way to read them... unless I ge=
> a CD drive, yey.")

Too expensive. The floppies cost us more than the CDs do to produce and w=
only ship about 2,000 issues with them, so putting the CD on those too
would drive up the cost, albeit simplifying the SKUs for Future.

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Why not write us a reader review of a piece of
your hardware or software?

Message 37991

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Logging onto a network
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:00:24 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Matthew Garrett wrote:

> If it's a TCP/IP network, you should be able to do so with any Amiga TCP
> stack but may not be able to access any of the network facilities such as
> your filespace. You'll need an ethernet card - cnet.device will work for
> NE2000 compatible PCMCIA cards, but uses bucketloads of CPU time and
> doesn't go very fast (about 100K/sec on 10mbit ethernet with a vanilla
> 1200). Various Zorro ones exist that will probably do a better job.

...or install Linux on the Amiga..which would enable you to use the
PCMCIA network card *and* access network facilities 'properly' ;-)


Message 37992

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Logging onto a network
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:02:14 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Matthew Garrett wrote:

> NE2000 compatible PCMCIA cards, but uses bucketloads of CPU time and
> doesn't go very fast (about 100K/sec on 10mbit ethernet with a vanilla
> 1200). Various Zorro ones exist that will probably do a better job.

under APUS, PCMCIA network can reach 700k/s, cnet.device under AmigaOS
gets around 300k/s


Message 37993

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Wipeout2097 -Links
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:07:17 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Andrew Crowe wrote:

>    Maybe C is used for stuff like the title screen menues/basic ingame engine etc. but I think you'll find that all the important stuff (the rendering engine, the game loop etc.) is in ASM.  Don't forget, the PSX only has a ~30mhz processor, and C is just not fast enough, even with a (let's not forget old) 3d co-processos and whatnot.

that little 'slow' 33MHz processor is a very nippy RISC processor -
which is why it can do a hell of a lot more than a 166MHz pentium


Message 37994

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Review OS3.5
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:13:00 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Mike Quinlan wrote:

> first. I finally discovered after 3 days that I needed to install 3.1 from
> the CD first, this is dispite the 3.1 already in place. Just didn't like my
> 3.1. No mention of this in the instructions.

it does say to check your version..installing 3.1 first... even though I
had 3.1, i did this, because I was sure that they'd use some files i no
longer had - or had patched/replaced ;-)

> I am dissapointed with the internet stuff. I thought we may have had a FREE
> bundled packaged for once in our lives. Its not to be. Although the Miami
> is supposed to be free soon. AWeb is a demo. I have not tried the emailer
> yet.

AWeb is a lite version...not a demo. it doesnt timeout, but does have
some features not present. we've had this discussion before. what would
you prefer? A full AWeb with os3.5 that doesnt do as much as IBrowseII
or V3 anyway...and kill off IB2 and V3 because noone would
change/upgrade, or have it as it is...allowing better software to
> On the face of it I like it and I think it was worth the few quid for it. I
> would have liked the internet stuff to be complete and free. If it had I
> could have convinced a few owners of dusty Amigas to drag them out and boot
> them up.

a valid point...but your 1st sentance does some it up..os3.5 ISNT an
expensive purchase


Message 37995

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Piv-Moo-Vid and SGrab
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:14:05 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Darren Silcock wrote:

> I'm trying to grab a workbench pic with a Avi/Mov playing (but on pause),
> but the grab works fine it just leaves the contents of the Piv-Moo-Vid
> window empty (black)
> Any ideas anybody, if it's somethink completely obvious, go easy

is the player using P96-PIP or cgxvideo - if so, then the image is
actually not in the same buffer area as the rest of the screen - its
being put into the display by the cgx card itself


Message 37996

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 0S3.5
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:16:37 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Darren Silcock wrote:

> Just installed 3.5, I've had to disable DOpus for now (v5.56 extremely slow
> on WBPattern loading and the obvious icon colours), so will being updating
> to v5.8 plus patch.

wbpattern - because of the OS datatypes...change datatype
> When I try and use the palette prefs or any anything that uses the colour
> wheel, up pops a requester saying I need *"gadgets/colorwheel v44*" I HAVE
> THIS (v44.5). I've been through everything on my system partion and checked
> version levels of nearly everything.

look at the os3.5 help on  -> do you still have a classact
drawer alive?
> right word). A new icon STANDARD I think is good and are quicker than
> Newicons. Although I do have one greif (sorry 2). 
> 1>. I have a PicassioIV and scrolling a picture in multiview seems an awful
> alot slower than on 3.1 

have you reinstalled your P96 s/w?
> 2>. The installation didnot, in my case change all system icons to the new
> Glowicons, I was left with a mix a match - very untidy.

no - there are scripts in the contrib drawer of the CD that do this.
takes up another evening :-)

i'd use the convert newicons to glowicons script first 
> P.S I'm sick of the ASL requester now being massive is there any way of
> changing this.

dunno. dont use ASL ;-)


Message 37997

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Aminet Blues
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:17:08 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Ben Chapman wrote:

> Hello guys and (guyesses?)
> When is Aminet UK going to be back up and running? It's been down for
> months.... have they dropped it or something? The only thing that works on
> it is the tree directory.... :(

is it so hard to use the german site?

Message 37998

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Drumming up adverts (Was Amiga Pamphlet Revisited)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:23:46 +0000 (GMT)
On 24 Nov 1999, Anthony Prime wrote:

> appeal to some non community firms. Canon, Hewlett Packard, Psion,
> Palm, GAP, Carphone Warehouse, Becks (maybe even Ribena or Oxy? ;)
        ^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I buy clothes...I've just bought a new mobile..also drink beer and
ribena ;-)

Message 37999

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Ideas for cool stuff to add to an OS (COOLIDEA)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:27:02 -0000
> > Just remembered another one: Autorunning CDs.
> > Configurable per-CD, of course, but useful for
> > games which install (so they can say install or
> > repair/uninstall/nevershowthisdamnedthingeveragain)
> Or better still, if a cd which has a startup-sequence file or 
> whatever is inserted, it can just say "execute this file" and
> maybe show bit of help text on it or something?

Well the methodology I'd use is this:

Have a commodity running (or get Workbench to do it) to monitor
your CD (and/or removable drives) for disk changes. When you
insert a new disc, the system looks on the root of that disk
for a file called 'cd-startup' which it will execute. That
way, you can do all sorts of stuff. Imagine AFCD's auto-assigning
themselves.. and you could do like the Amigactive CDs do and
eject the CD when you've finished ;) Or running some kind of
app that launches stuff. You could have your games on CD, have
them install a small amount to the hard disk, and have the CD
as a kind of dongle - insert the CD, and the game starts!

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38000

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga OS 3.5 Woes
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:29:45 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Eng. Ricardo Fitzgerald wrote:

> even though the text was only b/w ... If I try to print a color logo, it
> messes it up in printing different parts of it in single colors (like color
> separations), but repeating it several times. So my question is should I
> have to wait for an "official" Epson Stylus Color driver, what changes I
> have to do in order to make it work ????

do you have the latest TP7 updates etc..there might be new stuff for the
> 2. Not very annoying I can't open any text using multiview, it crashes the
> whole system, I have to open text using more or ced or ed.

I had the same problem until I added the updateamigaroms file to devs:
(its int he devs: of the CD)
> 3. How I get rid of my Power Up libs ?

delete libs:ppc.library ?

install WarpUP4 and then ppclimemu

Message 38001

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: which accelerator?
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:32:34 +0000 (GMT)
On Thu, 25 Nov 1999 wrote:

> In my continuing range of which? articles you now have me whinging on
> about which accelerator to buy for my a1200. I have a maximum of =A3200
> to spend and that must include memory. Before anyone suggests it i
> don't want just an 030 I am looking for 040 or higher but i don't know
> which accelerator to buy.

you can just about get a Blizzard040/PPC-160 with 16Mb of memory for
that amount of money. I've seen some 060's selling for that price too


Message 38002

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Review OS3.5
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:32:42 -0000
> I do like the new look and I do like the icons, although it 
> has slowed my 2000 030 down.

Go into Workbench Prefs and change the quality to 'poor' and
it'll be a LOT faster. The icons still come out the same
quality on my machine, it's just it doesn't care if one of
the colours is 4 notches of blue (unnoticable) out.

> I am dissapointed with the internet stuff. I thought we may 
> have had a FREE bundled packaged for once in our lives. Its
> not to be. Although the Miami is supposed to be free soon.
> AWeb is a demo. 

AWeb is *NOT* a demo! It's got less features than the full
package, but there is no real lost functionality, no silly
timeout, no freakish shareware fee to pay. It's a fully fledged
browser, but just without all those 'advanced' features on

Go and look at the demos of AWeb on the Amigactive to AFCDs,
and then look at the AWeb 3.3SE package on the OS3.5 CD. There
is a BIIIIG difference.

> I have not tried the emailer yet.

Don't, it sucks ;)

> I found that ARQ does not work anymore, I don't know why.

Because it's a hack? Go get ReqAttack ;)

> menus still work fine although very slow to respond on my 030,
> mouse  moves over the item and I'm expecting it to be
> highlighted straight away  like is was under 3.1, so I shoot
> past and then have to back track.

Sounds like you've got some real nasty patches running if they
slow the menus down. I suggest you start removing the less
'essential' ones and see which speeds up..

> But it brings me to another item I would have liked in the 
> new OS. A HD rescue program for disc's over 4G. Whats the
> point of  supporting the big drive if you still cannot
> rescue data from it when things go  wrong. I know you
> should backup regular, but everyone at some time has got 
> the partition invalidated or had it appear with DHx:?/Lk
> whatever.

Agreed. I'm starting a project to get things like this
written :)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38003

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: I-Win machines available for review
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:33:58 +0000 (GMT)
On Thu, 25 Nov 1999, Alex Timiney wrote:

> >    Actually, it /may/ actually be able to run windows usably with that kind of CPU, well, maybe not :)
> Nah, of course not - Windows wouldn't recognise the proccessor an it'd
> give this error - "Error: CPU not installed"

no, such a high speed would screw up the timing loop in windows...just
like the >266MHz AMD's did with Win95...and you'd get a general
protection fault on bootup ;-)


Message 38004

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mag Prices (was " Vost? Irc? It's all the same to me...")
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:35:20 +0000 (GMT)
On Thu, 25 Nov 1999, Alex Timiney wrote:

> Oh, and how about putting both the floppies and the CD on the same mag -

no! the floppies are more expensive that the CD. I say stick the CD ina
wallet instead of jewel case if needs be


Message 38005

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 0S3.5
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:36:05 -0000
> When I try and use the palette prefs or any anything that 
> uses the colour wheel, up pops a requester saying I need 
> "gadgets/colorwheel v44*" I HAVE THIS (v44.5). I've been
> through everything on my system partion and checked
> version levels of nearly everything.
> If anybody can shed any light on this I would appreciate it.

Are you running any patches that do LibSearch or BetterOpenLibs
or anything? They'll mess your system up right royal.

Make sure that the colorwheel.gadget is in SYS:Classes/gadgets/
and make sure you only have ONE copy of it on the LIBS: assign..

> 1>. I have a PicassioIV and scrolling a picture in multiview 
> seems an awful alot slower than on 3.1

You using Picasso96 2.0 yet?

> 2>. The installation didnot, in my case change all system 
> icons to the new Glowicons, I was left with a mix a match
> - very untidy.


> I think extra configurable menus would have made it better, 
> or would this be considered a "hack"

'extra' as in more than the 'Tools' one? That would be a hack
unless Workbench was extended to support adding menus - which
it could be. 

> P.S I'm sick of the ASL requester now being massive is there 
> any way of changing this.

No, and it's doing MY head in as well so you're not alone :)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38006

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga OS 3.5 Woes
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:45:02 -0000
I'm going to reply to this, because the normal AmigaOS3.5 defence
squad (Alan Buxey) is being suitably vague and somewhat sparse with
his answers (slackerrr!)

> Since I've installed 3.5 I had many problems, the first and most
> important is with printers, my Epson Color Stylus 300 used to work
> flawlessly with 3.1, because 3.5 has only new HP printers, I had to
> reinstall (clean) Turboprint 7, but very strange things happen!!!!
> When trying to print anything the background is filled with 
> color garbage even though the text was only b/w ... If I try to
> print a color logo, it messes it up in printing different parts
> of it in single colors (like color separations), but repeating it
> several times. So my question is should I have to wait for an
> "official" Epson Stylus Color driver,  what changes I have to do
> in order to make it work ????

You *could* try replacing the OS3.5 printer.device with the OS3.1
printer.device for now, until TP7 gets an update. TP7 will still
be useful because it can take advantage of parts of your printer
the OS3.5 drivers simply don't have the ability to...
> 2. Not very annoying I can't open any text using multiview, 
> it crashes the whole system, I have to open text using more
> or ced or ed.

Have you got any patches installed that would possibly conflict
with this? Any strange datatypes? It might be best to take a
look at the FAQ on

> 3. How I get rid of my Power Up libs ?

RTFM for WarpUP
> 4. The scripts for converting MWB icons and NewIcons caused 
> crashes after scanning my whole drive, and not all the icons
> were converted, if I check them with IconEdit they just show
> two lines of colors...

You have some serious patchage going on, as my system does all
of that fine. I suggest you tell us what and WHEN these patches
are running on your system, and EXACTLY what system config
you have..

> BTW. How can I mount a SyQuest ?, the SCSI mounter program 
> from the Blizzard SCSI installer disk, didn't see it ...

A SyQuest *what*?

Does the Mounter app for OS3.5 work? Remember to change the
tooltype to use the 1230scsi.device (or whatever they call
it) and make sure that your drive is ON and PROPERLY

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38007

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: BRIGHTON!!!
Date: 25 Nov 1999 10:22:22 +0000
Ben Vost said, 

> I've been using IFX 4 on WB3.5 for a while now with no trouble, but
> apparently there's a (free) patch due anyway...

The 4.1 patch has been on the Nova Design FTP site for weeks.

Neil - still not got round to trying IFX4
Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
If you hear an Onion ring, please answer it!

Message 38008

From :"Tim Seifert" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: time warp
Date: 25 Nov 99 01:53:55 +0900
_Replying to a message_:

   By:  Kevin Fairhurst <>
  Via:  afb <>
Dated:  24-Nov-99 18:35:38
About:  [afb] Re: time warp

Hi Kevin,

>>> Bloody VNG crashing me. It always shafts my clock! :( 1978 my 
>>> arse......
>> Go and get Atomic from Aminet and attach it to your Miami or
>> Genesis 'online' event. It'll reset your clock using the
>> atomic clock servers around the world, and you'll never have
>> to worry about those silly crashes ever again.

> Or, in the "Services" part of Genesis, put your time server in there and
> select "sync clock" ...

Miami also has abilities in reading a time server.  But, the standard
warning applies, you really need to reboot after changing your clock, as
various time watching functions /can/ fail spectacularly.

It's a pity the hardware clock couldn't have a hardware protect.  Once
set, throw a switch and it can't be modified...

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 38009

Subject: [afb] Auto-booting (or whatever) CDs (COOLIDEA)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 99 12:54:11 +0100 (BST)
> Well the methodology I'd use is this:
> Have a commodity running (or get Workbench to do it) to monitor
> your CD (and/or removable drives) for disk changes. When you
> insert a new disc, the system looks on the root of that disk
> for a file called 'cd-startup' which it will execute. That
> way, you can do all sorts of stuff. Imagine AFCD's auto-assigning
> themselves.. and you could do like the Amigactive CDs do and
> eject the CD when you've finished ;) Or running some kind of
> app that launches stuff. You could have your games on CD, have
> them install a small amount to the hard disk, and have the CD
> as a kind of dongle - insert the CD, and the game starts!

There's already a utility to do this available on Aminet.  I played around
with it a bit a few years ago, when I was at uni.  However, I was limited to
asking if I wanted to run the startup-sequence on the CD as I didn't have a 
CD writer.

However, now I've got one, it might be worth getting hold of it again.  That
way I can back up my games: partition to CD, and have a nice menu system
pop up when I insert the CD allowing me to play the game of my choice with
one click!


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   U-NET Internet - Easy Internet Access (01925) 484444

Message 38010

Subject: [afb] Re: Auto-booting (or whatever) CDs (COOLIDEA)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:07:14 -0800
> > Have a commodity running (or get Workbench to do it) to monitor
> > your CD (and/or removable drives) for disk changes. When you
> > insert a new disc, the system looks on the root of that disk
> > for a file called 'cd-startup' which it will execute. That
> > way, you can do all sorts of stuff. Imagine AFCD's auto-assigning
> > themselves.. and you could do like the Amigactive CDs do and
> > eject the CD when you've finished ;) Or running some kind of
> > app that launches stuff. You could have your games on CD, have
> > them install a small amount to the hard disk, and have the CD
> > as a kind of dongle - insert the CD, and the game starts!
> There's already a utility to do this available on Aminet.  I played
> with it a bit a few years ago, when I was at uni.

The point is that it should be part of Workbench.
However, it shouldn't be called Autostart; that 'Start' reminds me too
much of something else...(shudder)

(And no, I don't have any suggestions for the name...yet)


Message 38011

From :"Sam Byford" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: MANAGE: Last chance for OS3.5
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:11:43 -0800
Hi Thomas,

> > "I'm not going to
> > buy it because it doesn't work with Scala", kind of thing.
> It doesn't work with Scala? Is that a real thing or just a made up
> example?

Me thinks thats made up cause it works fine here. Only problem is i
have it set up to run from Netconnects Doc bar, and i have to click on
it twice as the first time it loads then quits straight away. Loading
it agian makes it work fine though.


Bifford the Youngest.

Message 38012

From :"Sam Byford" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Bifford the youngest
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:16:52 -0800
> > Bifford the Youngest, still
> Paul C, is there a "Bifford the Eldest" or "Bifford the third oldest"?
> -- 
Hi Paul.

LOL.  Had to laugh at that one.  My Bro is just named "Bifford". my Dad
is occasionally called Bifford Senior (though thats not really caught
on yet).


P.S. There never was a smiley at the end of your message......:)

Bifford the Youngest.
ICQ: 52983236

Message 38013

From :"Jonathan Hart" <>
Subject: [afb] 3.5 Install
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:37:45 -0800

I`ve finished my (from scratch) install of OS 3.5, and have a few
questions that I hope can be answered here:

1. Can anyone tell me exactly what the file installed to DEVS: called
"Amiga OS ROM Update" (or similar) is for in specific details. I
understand that it softkicks the system and adds features for hard
drives, but do not understand the details. 

The reason is that my machine (1200T,PPC 603+ BVision) hangs when it is
in DEVS: though I`ve moved it as is suggested in the manual and things
are hunky dory. I use PFS3 and have a drive that is below the 4.3g
barrier, so do I even need it?

2. Copy/Move operations are slow on Workbench now, it seems to have
altered the way files are copied to a manner similar to my file manager
the venerable SID2 (that I still require for some operations (this
still works great if anyones interested)). 

I need to know if this is a filesystem problem (PFS3), or a workbench
thing. I`m using WBCtrl in my User-startup for fast memory on icons etc
and it has an option for increasing the buffer for copy operations (it
says the default is set very low), but on quadrupling the buffer size I
have gotten no gain. Big files used to shift crisply on 3.1 with PFS3,
now there`s a lot of grinding. I don`t quite understand this. Is it
actually a problem?

3. Is a service pack going to be released and what will it contain?

4. For Neil Bothwick- is it possible on the next AA CD to have an
option for 3.5 users to use their installed Aweb Browser instead of
loading the one from the CD (and dumping more prefs in ENVARC:) The
Format CD`s are much slicker in this respect. OK I know it`s not the
correct list, but I`m in a bit of a hurry ATM and I just remembered it.

5. Not about 3.5 as such, but is there a kind of registry program for
the Amiga that I can keep details of what files are installed and what
app they belong to. I don`t want it to alter anything or be integral to
the OS though.


Jonathan Hart

Message 38014

From :Peter Gordon <>
Subject: [afb] Re: The beginning of the end?
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 02:02:24 +0000
> Now =A33.25 a month was a lot of month for 22 pages. Even the front cov=
> wasn't on shiny paper. So as Ben says as long as you buy the mag then
> we do have a future. Honest!

I know all this.. I have every CF from 8 to the very end :)

so long and thanks for all the fish

Real meanings #1:
MS-WINDOWS: Mighty Slow When Its Not Dealing Only With Solitaire

Message 38015

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3.5 Install
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 12:57:05 -0000
> I`ve finished my (from scratch) install of OS 3.5, and have a few
> questions that I hope can be answered here:
> 1. Can anyone tell me exactly what the file installed to DEVS: called
> "Amiga OS ROM Update" (or similar) is for in specific details. I
> understand that it softkicks the system and adds features for hard
> drives, but do not understand the details. 

It contains the new scsi.device, filesystem.resource, icon.library
and workbench.library binaries, which it removes from the system and
hooks in it's own copies VERY early in startup.
> in DEVS: though I`ve moved it as is suggested in the manual and things
> are hunky dory. I use PFS3 and have a drive that is below the 4.3g
> barrier, so do I even need it?

Probably..? :)

> have gotten no gain. Big files used to shift crisply on 3.1 with PFS3,
> now there`s a lot of grinding. I don`t quite understand this. Is it
> actually a problem?

PFS3 being crap? I don't know.
> 3. Is a service pack going to be released and what will it contain?

Soon, bugfixes by the ton.
> 5. Not about 3.5 as such, but is there a kind of registry program for
> the Amiga that I can keep details of what files are installed and what
> app they belong to. I don`t want it to alter anything or be 
> integral to the OS though.

You mean like.. Windows does? Whaa!



Message 38016

From :Alex Timiney <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mag Prices
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 13:08:00 -0800
Ben Vost wrote:
> No, sorry, you'll keep all those pennies and paying more won't help either.
> One of the problems right now is there isn't enough stuff to review, and as
> for news, well...
Well you could just pocket the extra 1p =)

> Why not write us a reader review of a piece of
> your hardware or software?
Because I've only ever used what I have now, and so have no experience
base to compare against?

Mail me a kipper, I'll be spoked for breakfast.

Message 38017

From :"Mateus S. Daitx" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: which accelerator?
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 11:15:16 -0200

"Alan L.M. Buxey" wrote:

> On Thu, 25 Nov 1999 wrote:
> > In my continuing range of which? articles you now have me whinging on
> > about which accelerator to buy for my a1200. I have a maximum of 200
> > to spend and that must include memory. Before anyone suggests it i
> > don't want just an 030 I am looking for 040 or higher but i don't know
> > which accelerator to buy.
> you can just about get a Blizzard040/PPC-160 with 16Mb of memory for
> that amount of money. I've seen some 060's selling for that price too
> alan

There are some adverts on, one for a BlizzardPPC
175mhz + 040/25mhz + 64mb of memory for 200, one for a PPC160mhz + 040/25 +
32mb + Bvision for 230(a little more, worth because of the Bvision), and
lots of 68K accelerators. If I was you, I would go for the PPC+Bvision,
because it is hard to find one of these GFX card for selling without the PPC
Best regards,
Mateus Strmer Daitx
Aka: Caine
Porto Alegre-RS

Message 38018

From :"Jonathan Hart" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3.5 Install
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 05:21:48 -0800
"sealey, m." <> wrote: 
original article:
> > I`ve finished my (from scratch) install of OS 3.5, and have a few
> > questions that I hope can be answered here:
> > 
> > 1. Can anyone tell me exactly what the file installed to DEVS:
> > "Amiga OS ROM Update" (or similar) is for in specific details. I
> > understand that it softkicks the system and adds features for hard
> > drives, but do not understand the details. 
> It contains the new scsi.device, filesystem.resource, icon.library
> and workbench.library binaries, which it removes from the system and
> hooks in it's own copies VERY early in startup.

I don`t run the file but get the new icon system and the other
additions to workbench. If I ran the file my machine hung, without it
things still work (or seem to- what should I be seeing?) My machine
only softkicks once, for BPPCfix. 

If this was essential why are you told in the manual (and in the
install) that you should move it to storage if you have a 4 way IDE
adaptor? I don`t use IDE, I have SCSI drives on the PPC bus.

I`ll see if I can get it working with the file though.

> > in DEVS: though I`ve moved it as is suggested in the manual and
> > are hunky dory. I use PFS3 and have a drive that is below the 4.3g
> > barrier, so do I even need it?
> Probably..? :)
> > have gotten no gain. Big files used to shift crisply on 3.1 with
> > now there`s a lot of grinding. I don`t quite understand this. Is it
> > actually a problem?
> PFS3 being crap? I don't know.

I wouldn`t say that. The new FFS didn`t interest me from the start,
because I moved to PFS a while ago (which has never gone wrong), and my
drive doesn`t have to be huge for general use as a net box.

> > 3. Is a service pack going to be released and what will it contain?
> Soon, bugfixes by the ton.
> > 5. Not about 3.5 as such, but is there a kind of registry program
> > the Amiga that I can keep details of what files are installed and
> > app they belong to. I don`t want it to alter anything or be 
> > integral to the OS though.
> You mean like.. Windows does? Whaa!

I thought I`d get ribbed for this, but I want just something I can
refer to, and see that X app uses A and B files in C: and F library.
Also if other apps use these files, etc. I could, I guess, set up
MUIBase- `sthought. I`ve no idea how Windows registry works so I can`t
comment further on any similarity.


Message 38019

Subject: [afb] Re: which accelerator?
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 99 14:21:44 +0100 (BST)
> "Alan L.M. Buxey" wrote:
> > On Thu, 25 Nov 1999 wrote:
> >
> > > In my continuing range of which? articles you now have me whinging on
> > > about which accelerator to buy for my a1200. I have a maximum of 200
> > > to spend and that must include memory. Before anyone suggests it i
> > > don't want just an 030 I am looking for 040 or higher but i don't know
> > > which accelerator to buy.
> >
> > you can just about get a Blizzard040/PPC-160 with 16Mb of memory for
> > that amount of money. I've seen some 060's selling for that price too
> There are some adverts on, one for a BlizzardPPC
> 175mhz + 040/25mhz + 64mb of memory for 200,

Oooh, that one was put up by my mate, Chris.  It's gone now, which is why
I didn't suggest it earlier!

> one for a PPC160mhz + 040/25 +
> 32mb + Bvision for 230(a little more, worth because of the Bvision),

.. although a slower PPC and less memory. Still, not a bad price considering.

> and
> lots of 68K accelerators. If I was you, I would go for the PPC+Bvision,
> because it is hard to find one of these GFX card for selling without the PPC
> board.

I'd have to agree with you there, especially if he can get postage thrown in
at that price  ;-)


Generated by U-NET WebMail -
   U-NET Internet - Easy Internet Access (01925) 484444

Message 38020

Subject: [afb] Re: Logging onto a network
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 05:34:51 -0800
> > I'm moving into halls at Uni and each room has net access. Is it
> > possible to log onto the University network using my Amiga? It's a
> > Novell Network and that's about as specific as I can be at the
> > sorry.
> Which Uni? Some of them are a bit strict as to which computers you
> hook up, and they may not let an Amiga connect for support reasons.
Portsmouth Uni. I asked them if I could log in using alternative
platforms. As far as I know now, they give you a password and user
number etc. and you dial in. I didn't tell them I wanted to use an
Amiga in case they went into a slagging session and then refused to
serve me. I don't think I can find out which version of Novell it is.
Sorry it's taken me so long to reply by the way.

Message 38021

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Logging onto a network
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 13:56:04 -0000
> Portsmouth Uni. I asked them if I could log in using alternative
> platforms. As far as I know now, they give you a password and user
> number etc. and you dial in. I didn't tell them I wanted to use an
> Amiga in case they went into a slagging session and then refused to
> serve me. I don't think I can find out which version of Novell it is.
> Sorry it's taken me so long to reply by the way.

If it's dialin, you needn't worry at all, if all you want to do
is surf the 'net..


Message 38022

Subject: [afb] Re: Logging onto a network
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 06:01:43 -0800
> If it's dialin, you needn't worry at all, if all you want to do
> is surf the 'net..

So it'll be harder, if not next to impossible, to access my Pegasus
Mail which is on the network? However, as you say, I only really want
to surf and download stuff that all students download.

Message 38023

From :"Matthew J Fletcher" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: which accelerator?
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 06:26:27 -0800
> On Thu, 25 Nov 1999 wrote:
> In my continuing range of which? articles you now have me whinging on
> about which accelerator to buy for my a1200. I have a maximum of =A3200
> to spend and that must include memory. Before anyone suggests it i
> don't want just an 030 I am looking for 040 or higher but i don't know
> which accelerator to buy.

If you are pepared to invest "long term" a Met@box G3, would be by far
the best.. 68k emulation faster than a 040, and a killer for OS 4.0 and


Message 38024

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] OS3.5 Wishlist Updated
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 14:32:35 -0000
I've just cleaned it up a bit just in case any Amigactive
readers decided to visit ;)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38025

From :"Eng. Ricardo Fitzgerald" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga OS 3.5 Woes
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 11:44:46 -0300

> From: "Sealey, M." <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:45:02 -0000
> To: "''" <>
> Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga OS 3.5 Woes

> You *could* try replacing the OS3.5 printer.device with the OS3.1
> printer.device for now, until TP7 gets an update. TP7 will still
> be useful because it can take advantage of parts of your printer
> the OS3.5 drivers simply don't have the ability to...

I will try that ! :) Thnx for the tip ...

> Have you got any patches installed that would possibly conflict
> with this? Any strange datatypes? It might be best to take a
> look at the FAQ on

Not many just MagicMenu 2.19 and StartMenu, and TurboStart on my WbStartup

>> 3. How I get rid of my Power Up libs ?
> RTFM for WarpUP

RTFM ?? I don't know that acronym ;)

> You have some serious patchage going on, as my system does all
> of that fine. I suggest you tell us what and WHEN these patches
> are running on your system, and EXACTLY what system config
> you have..

Processor: CPU 68040/68040 fpu/68040 mmu
Custom Chips: AA PAL Alice (id=$0023), AA Lisa (id=$00F8)
Vers: Kickstart version 40.68, Exec version 40.10, Disk Version 44.2
RAM: Node Type $A, Attributes $405 (FAST), at $76000000-$79F7FFFF (63.5 meg)
     Node Type $A, Attributes $703 (CHIP), at $1000-$1FFFFF (~2.0 meg)
     Board (Macro System):   Prod=18260/18($4754/$12) (@$E900000 64k)
     Board (phase 5):        Prod=8512/67($2140/$43) (@$200000 4 meg)
     Board + ROM (phase 5):  Prod=8512/110 ($2140/$6E) (@$F00C38 128k)

It's a PPC 603e+240 Mhz, BTW.
>> BTW. How can I mount a SyQuest ?, the SCSI mounter program
>> from the Blizzard SCSI installer disk, didn't see it ...
> A SyQuest *what*?
> Does the Mounter app for OS3.5 work? Remember to change the
> tooltype to use the 1230scsi.device (or whatever they call
> it) and make sure that your drive is ON and PROPERLY
> terminated..

It's an EZ135 drive (SyQuest 135 Mb unformatted) SCSI external connected
directly to Blizzard PPC SCSI port using a miniSCSI to parallel adapter, it
has a terminator (light is ON), on the second (unused port) of the EZ135
unit. So the SCSI chain is just the board and the SyQuest EZ135 unit ...
This drive is working perfectly on my Mac.
It's strange but the blizzard didn't install any devices at all ?!?!??!?!
I've lost the manual but what I've noticed after carefully searching the
installer floppy that it doesn't install anything in devs: ???!?!?!?



Ricardo Fitzgerald    A1500T Micronik Blizzard PPC 603e 240
OmNI            & 040 25 Mhz
            CyberVision 64 3D
            64 Mb RAM CD 40 x HD6.4 Gb  VLabMotion
            A2000 Apollo 2030 030 50 Mhz 32 Mb Wb3.1
            PowerMac 9500 150 96 Mb RAM
ICQ: 37031810

Message 38026

Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 Wishlist Updated
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 06:42:42 -0800
> I've just cleaned it up a bit just in case any Amigactive
> readers decided to visit ;)
Where's the site again?

Message 38027

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga OS 3.5 Woes
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 14:44:13 +0000 (GMT)
On Thu, 25 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> I'm going to reply to this, because the normal AmigaOS3.5 defence
> squad (Alan Buxey) is being suitably vague and somewhat sparse with
> his answers (slackerrr!)

:-) I'm busy writing work documents...which i have to do, or else I dont
keep the job! ;-)
> You *could* try replacing the OS3.5 printer.device with the OS3.1
> printer.device for now, until TP7 gets an update. TP7 will still
> be useful because it can take advantage of parts of your printer
> the OS3.5 drivers simply don't have the ability to...

which is what i was implying 
> Have you got any patches installed that would possibly conflict
> with this? Any strange datatypes? It might be best to take a
> look at the FAQ on

what has probably happened is what happened with me...the os3.5 install
didnt complete...which means old datatypes still present. I advocate
copying the os3.5 system on the os3.5 CD straight to sys:

> Does the Mounter app for OS3.5 work? Remember to change the
> tooltype to use the 1230scsi.device (or whatever they call
> it) and make sure that your drive is ON and PROPERLY
> terminated..

with the latter being V. important for SCSI


Message 38028

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 Wishlist Updated
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 14:46:22 -0000
> I've just cleaned it up a bit just in case any Amigactive
> readers decided to visit ;)

Gah! I'm a fool!

It's at

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38029

From :"Neil Bothwick" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3.5 Install
Date: 25 Nov 1999 14:35:35 +0000
Sealey, M. said, 

>> 1. Can anyone tell me exactly what the file installed to DEVS: called
>> "Amiga OS ROM Update" (or similar) is for in specific details. I
>> understand that it softkicks the system and adds features for hard
>> drives, but do not understand the details. 

> It contains the new scsi.device, filesystem.resource, icon.library
> and workbench.library binaries, which it removes from the system and
> hooks in it's own copies VERY early in startup.

It's only the SCSI and FFS patches. The new libraries live in LIBS:,
SetPatch removes the ROM based ones from memory and loads the disk ones
if the disk versions are later.

Neil Bothwick - Connected via Wirenet
The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
There are some micro-organisms that exhibit characteristics of both plants and
animals.  When exposed to light they undergo photosynthesis; and when the lights
go out, they turn into animals.  But then again, don't we all?

Message 38030

Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga OS 3.5 Woes
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 06:59:46 -0800
> >> 3. How I get rid of my Power Up libs ?
> > 
> > RTFM for WarpUP
> RTFM ?? I don't know that acronym ;)

It means Read The Flipping Manual, or something close to that. When you
run a WarpUp program it'll terminate the PPC library for you. If you
want you can get WOSPrefs which'll give you the option to hide the
requester so that you don't have to click "Terminate" when run a
PowerPC app for the first time. It does loads of other helpful things

Message 38031

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3.5 Install
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 15:05:55 -0000
> > > 1. Can anyone tell me exactly what the file installed to 
> > > DEVS: called "Amiga OS ROM Update" (or similar) is for in
> > > specific details. I understand that it softkicks the
> > > system and adds features for hard drives, but do not
> > > understand the details. 
> > It contains the new scsi.device, filesystem.resource, icon.library
> > and workbench.library binaries, which it removes from the system and
> > hooks in it's own copies VERY early in startup.
> It's only the SCSI and FFS patches. The new libraries live in LIBS:,
> SetPatch removes the ROM based ones from memory and loads the 
> disk ones if the disk versions are later.

That's sorta what I meant. Yeah, wb and icon are on disk, but Setpatch
removes them :)

What I want to know is what the hell has changed? The changes log
wasn't on the Dev CD as 'promised' so I'm still wondering what
prompted a version bump from 40.1 to 45.1 in the filesystems..

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38032

From :"Thomas Cobb" <>
Subject: [afb] RAM: speed
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 07:27:53 -0800

I'm confused.  I finally got the SCSI module for my blizzard 1230
yesterday and after installing it I thought I'd test it out to see how
fast it was.  I constructed a 20 meg file from some zipped filed and
then copied it from memory to a 250mb zip disk and back again.

It took 15 seconds to copy the file from ram to the zip disk in dopus,
which was nice... However, when copying it back from disk to ram again
I thought things would be even faster, but it took 30 seconds.

The zip disk was PFS2 formatted, the ram drive is OFS (as standard).  I
have 32 mb of fast ram and version 8.4 of the scsi rom.  Copyng from a
hard disk (also PFS2) to ram took 30 seconds and from ram to hard disk
around 23.  Every time I try it, the ram disk is (much) slower than the
magnetic disk.

Is OFS really that bad (if so, can I change the filesystem that the ram
disk uses) or is the ram drive slow?  Or am I missing something obvious?

	Thomas Cobb

Message 38033

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mag Prices (was " Vost? Irc? It's all the same to me...")
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:32:13 +0000
Hi Alan,

> no! the floppies are more expensive that the CD. I say stick the CD ina
> wallet instead of jewel case if needs be

Don't be too keen on that idea. It *will* happen... :(

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Nuff respeck to all inna area!

Message 38034

From :"Thomas Cobb" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Aminet Blues
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 07:36:53 -0800
"alan l.m. buxey" <> wrote: 
original article:
> On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Ben Chapman wrote:
> > When is Aminet UK going to be back up and running?
> is it so hard to use the german site?

No, but it would be nice to use it.  I'm sitting about 20 metres away
from it at the moment and, while the german site isn't bad, it's not as
fast as the uk one for me.  Besides which, it ruined my gateway website
which told me all the lates uploads (That said, the lates bbc change
has also destroyed my gateway so now I only get a blank page.  Must
work on it sometime...).

	Thomas Cobb

Message 38035

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 0S3.5
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:36:44 +0000
Hi M.,

>> P.S I'm sick of the ASL requester now being massive is there 
>> any way of changing this.

> No, and it's doing MY head in as well so you're not alone :)

It's because of the fact that it now shows file comments too.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
           Beware of geeks bearing GIF's

Message 38036

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: RAM: speed
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 15:42:48 -0000
> Hello,
> I'm confused.  I finally got the SCSI module for my blizzard 1230
> yesterday and after installing it I thought I'd test it out to see how
> fast it was.  I constructed a 20 meg file from some zipped filed and
> then copied it from memory to a 250mb zip disk and back again.
> It took 15 seconds to copy the file from ram to the zip disk in dopus,
> which was nice... However, when copying it back from disk to ram again
> I thought things would be even faster, but it took 30 seconds.

> Is OFS really that bad (if so, can I change the filesystem 
> that the ram disk uses) or is the ram drive slow?  Or am I
> missing something obvious?

The RAM drive is slow because it has to allocate 512 bytes of memory
every time one block of disk is copied to it. On a 20MB file, that's
40960 allocations.

Disk to disk uses buffers, so they go through RAM anyway, and back to
the disk. But that RAM is already allocated, once, and is in one
contiguous chunk somewhere.

OFS isn't really that bad, it's just the way RAM works means that it's
slow when doing large file copies due to inbuilt inefficiencies.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38037

From :"Matthew J Fletcher" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 0S3.5
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 07:44:12 -0800
> >> P.S I'm sick of the ASL requester now being massive is there 
> >> any way of changing this.
> > No, and it's doing MY head in as well so you're not alone :)
> It's because of the fact that it now shows file comments too.

I have but one thing to say,.. MagicASL (was MUI-ASL)

It really is very good,...and it looks (um,.. nice)


Message 38038

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 0S3.5
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 15:44:29 -0000
> > > P.S I'm sick of the ASL requester now being massive is there 
> > > any way of changing this.
> > No, and it's doing MY head in as well so you're not alone :)
> It's because of the fact that it now shows file comments too.

Note the request for extra configurability on my wishlist website :)

IS there some secret way of turning it off, then, Ben - oh
guy-on-the-beta-team :)

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38039

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 0S3.5
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 15:46:09 -0000
> > > > P.S I'm sick of the ASL requester now being massive is there 
> > > > any way of changing this.
> > > 
> > > No, and it's doing MY head in as well so you're not alone :)
> > >
> >
> > It's because of the fact that it now shows file comments too.
> I have but one thing to say,.. MagicASL (was MUI-ASL)

There are three things wrong with MagicASL

* crashes like anything
* Total memory hog, going against the concept of a 'requester'
* doesn't fill out ASL's structures properly, making things
  not work right.

> It really is very good,...and it looks (um,.. nice)

The only thing is has going for it *is* it's nice looks.

But using MUI is stupid for something as simple as a file

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38040

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga OS 3.5 Woes
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 14:44:05 +0000
Hi Eng.,

> Not many just MagicMenu 2.19 and StartMenu, and TurboStart on my WbStartup

I'd run the latest version of MagicMenu if I were you. It's up to 2.29. 

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Why not write us a reader review of a piece of
your hardware or software?

Message 38041

From :"Matthew J Fletcher" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: File Requestors (was OS3.5)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 08:00:29 -0800
"sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> There are three things wrong with MagicASL
> * crashes like anything
> * Total memory hog, going against the concept of a 'requester'
You must like the windows file requirestor then... (um,.. inbuilt
search engine),..

> The only thing is has going for it *is* it's nice looks.
And of course its totaly configurable,.. calculates the size it ourght
to be correctly,..


Message 38042

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mag Prices
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 13:08:45 +0000
Hi Alex,

>> Why not write us a reader review of a piece of
>> your hardware or software?
> Because I've only ever used what I have now, and so have no experience
> base to compare against?

People don't expect you to know every bit of software on the market. Tell us
your opinion about the things you use - what could be improved and so on.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Excuse for the day: cosmic ray particles

Message 38043

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3.5 Install
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 12:56:01 +0000
Hi Jonathan,

> 4. For Neil Bothwick- is it possible on the next AA CD to have an


> option for 3.5 users to use their installed Aweb Browser instead of
> loading the one from the CD (and dumping more prefs in ENVARC:) The
> Format CD`s are much slicker in this respect. OK I know it`s not the

Oh okay, he's being nice.

> correct list, but I`m in a bit of a hurry ATM and I just remembered it.

Yeah, get it right in future...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Lucky for you this e-mail is typed, 
no-one can ever read my writing...

Message 38044

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Wolf Speaks...
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 13:45:02 +0000

This came in too late for our news, but I thought I'd give it to you lot
here and now...

> I'm writing the news pages for Format at the moment, and I wondered if you
> had a comment on the AmiJoe G3 card, or how soon people could expect to
> a G4 card from you, or even just a gfx card for existing PPC boards?

Hi Ben,

the G4 cards will be delayed into early next year. The reason for this is
delivery problem of Motorola with both the XPC107 system controller as well
the 400 MHz G4 processors. We are currently sending an information letter to
our customers.

We have, because of Motorola's delays, decided to change the system
and will have an AGP port added to the Blizzard and Cyberstorm G4. Thta will
allow the use of the most modern and powerful gfx chip sets for the
CyberVisionNG gfx card, what we believe is an important improvement.

I have not seen the AmiJoe G3 live yet. I know it was shown around at
but heard either the board or the software was nor finished. Other people
reported about mediocre performance of the card, but this is all third hand
information that I have.

I tried to answer your questions quickly, but my time is very limited this
week. I hope this will do it, if not please let me know.


All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 38045

From :Alex Timiney <>
Subject: [afb] Re: DMA, A1200 Zorro bus boards and the clock port...
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 16:08:28 -0800
Yesterday I wrote:
>  Y'know how A1200 buss boards don't have DMA? Well, I was just wondering
> if the clock port (being designed with more CHIP ram in mind (or was it
> just gonna bve SLOW ram?)) had DMA. In which case could it not be used
> to give a busboard DMA?
>  I'm pretty sure there must be something wrong with this, even if it's
> just that for DMA all the clock port pins are needed, beacause shirly I
> can't be the first person to think of this, can I?

And no one seems to have responded. =(
Am I really that boring?

Mail me a kipper, I'll be spoked for breakfast.

Message 38046

From :Colin Buckenham <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mag Prices (was " Vost? Irc? It's all the same to me...")
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 15:55:31 +0000
Hello Ben

On 25-Nov-99, you wrote:

>BV Hi Alan,
>BV> no! the floppies are more expensive that the CD. I say stick the CD ina
>BV> wallet instead of jewel case if needs be
>BV Don't be too keen on that idea. It *will* happen... :(

One idea if you are forced to put the CD in a wallet would be to print a
jewel case insert inside the mag. That way anyone who has easy access to
cheap cases (most people must have a Poundland or suchlike near) could 'Do
it themselves'

All the best


Any fool can play a fool,
But it takes the wisest of men 
to know just when to act one.

                                  100%  Amiga
                     Design,Printing &  Publishing 
                      for small charities and other
                  non-profit making organizations


Message 38047

From :Colin Buckenham <>
Subject: [afb] Re: O/S 3.5 and ImageFX 4.1 (was :-BRIGHTON!!!)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 16:09:13 +0000
Hello Ben

On 25-Nov-99, you wrote:

>BV> btw Ive just forked out 100 sqid for ifx 4 and ive heard that theres
>BV> some problems with os3.5.  Im not gonna fork out 40 quid for that if it
>BV> dosent work with ifx.
>BV> Please someone tell me that there is no real problems so that I can
>BV> navigate wb with my arrow keys!!!
>BV I've been using IFX 4 on WB3.5 for a while now with no trouble, but
>BV apparently there's a (free) patch due anyway...

I too had (have) a problem with IFX4.1  and O/S3.5 and mentioned so on this
list. I did receive a few mails from around the world stating that others
also had this problem and in the end I e-mailed Kermit Woodall for advice
and he replied with the following:-

>KW Here is email from one of our users that may help you.
>KW Hello Kermit,
>KW I think you are on the right track.  Here's what I did this morning...
>KW I installed IFX4.0 from my cdrom to my test boot partition and let it
>KW install the older ClassAct files to my SYS: dir.
>KW    Create New Directory: "SYS:Classes/Gadgets"
>KW    Copy file "RAM:Libs/gadgets/chooser.gadget" to
>KW "SYS:Classes/Gadgets".
>KW    Create New Directory: "SYS:Classes/images"
>KW    Copy file "RAM:Libs/images/bevel.image" to "SYS:Classes/images".
>KW With the older ClassAct files I was able to use the correct icon-Info
>KW settings in IFX3 and IFX4.  I am now able to spread out the menu from
>KW the cycle gadgets and also my layers options are active again.
>KW With the older picture.datatype (v.43.764) in my Classes/Datypes I
>KW can use the backdrop.iff.
>KW I hope this information will be helpful and speed up the process of
>KW getting OS3.5 to be fully compliant with IFX4.x and vice versa.

All the best


In the land of the perfect the one eyed man is worthless.
But in the land of the blind the one eyed man is King


                                  100%  Amiga
                     Design,Printing &  Publishing 
                      for small charities and other
                  non-profit making organizations


Message 38048

Subject: [afb] Re: DMA, A1200 Zorro bus boards and the clock port...
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 08:22:38 -0800
> >  Y'know how A1200 buss boards don't have DMA? Well, I was just
> > if the clock port (being designed with more CHIP ram in mind (or
was it
> > just gonna bve SLOW ram?)) had DMA. In which case could it not be
> > to give a busboard DMA?
> >  I'm pretty sure there must be something wrong with this, even if
> > just that for DMA all the clock port pins are needed, beacause
shirly I
> > can't be the first person to think of this, can I?
> And no one seems to have responded. =(
> Am I really that boring?

No, not THAT boring. ;) I just though that someone with a bit more
knowledge than me (ie. M.Sealey) would have answered this query.

I think I read in a past AF, in an article written by Simon Goodwin,
that the clockport wasn't capable of DMA. The DMA idea you have is from
another header (are there any more?!) similar to the clock port which
would have been used for more chip RAM.

Hope that has helped answer your questions!


Message 38049

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mag Prices (was " Vost? Irc? It's all the same to me...")
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 16:11:20 +0000
Hi Colin,

> One idea if you are forced to put the CD in a wallet would be to print a
> jewel case insert inside the mag. That way anyone who has easy access to
> cheap cases (most people must have a Poundland or suchlike near) could 'Do
> it themselves'

I personally take the discs out of their jewel cases and bin them anyway,
leaving the front cover and disc in a wallet. Makes for easier storage...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
"I'm trying to get some air circulating in the loft", 
said Tom fanatically.

Message 38050

From :Alex Timiney <>
Subject: [afb] Re: DMA, A1200 Zorro bus boards and the clock port...
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 16:41:55 -0800 wrote:

> I think I read in a past AF, in an article written by Simon Goodwin,
> that the clockport wasn't capable of DMA. The DMA idea you have is from
> another header (are there any more?!) similar to the clock port which
> would have been used for more chip RAM.

No, I'm very sure that the clock port was the one for more chip RAM. The
origional A1200 design had only 1Meg of ram with an expansion port for
another meg, but they decided they may as well stick the extra meg in,
so the expansion port was then for use with a batery backed up clock. Of
course, no one did this because any decent accelerator board, or plain
RAM board, had a clock on it any way.

so, if the clock port has no DMA I can see only 2 reasons -
1) DMA is via the missing pins (or not so missing with some mo/bos),
11-24 IIRC
2) when they changed their mind about the base amount of ram, they made
major mods to the port, thus removing DMA

if its the former then my idea should work (provided you solder in the
extra pins)
if its the latter then a major hardware hack would be required.


Mail me a kipper, I'll be spoked for breakfast.

Message 38051

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Drumming up adverts (Was Amiga Pamphlet Revisited)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:23:00 +0000
Hi Alan,

>> appeal to some non community firms. Canon, Hewlett Packard, Psion,
>> Palm, GAP, Carphone Warehouse, Becks (maybe even Ribena or Oxy? ;)
>        ^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> I buy clothes...I've just bought a new mobile..also drink beer and
> ribena ;-)

Those guys just don't want to get involved with us...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
         I'll try anything once too often

Message 38052

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Ideas for cool stuff to add to an OS (COOLIDEA)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 10:26:14 +0000
Hi M.,

> way, you can do all sorts of stuff. Imagine AFCD's auto-assigning
> themselves.. and you could do like the Amigactive CDs do and

The one thing we don't need now is assigns of any description - it's much
better that way...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
     If at first you don't succeed, bugger.

Message 38053

Subject: [afb] Re: DMA, A1200 Zorro bus boards and the clock port...
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 08:51:37 -0800
> > I think I read in a past AF, in an article written by Simon Goodwin,
> > that the clockport wasn't capable of DMA. The DMA idea you have is
> > another header (are there any more?!) similar to the clock port
> > would have been used for more chip RAM.
> No, I'm very sure that the clock port was the one for more chip RAM.
> origional A1200 design had only 1Meg of ram with an expansion port for
> another meg, but they decided they may as well stick the extra meg in,
> so the expansion port was then for use with a batery backed up clock. 

There is a space on the motherboard to the right of the keyboard
connector which was meant to contain the pins for the chip RAM
My rev 1.b motherboard contains the full set of pins for the clock
port, though the 1.d.4 I have only has half of them.


Message 38054

Subject: [afb] Re: Ideas for cool stuff to add to an OS (COOLIDEA)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 08:55:41 -0800
> > way, you can do all sorts of stuff. Imagine AFCD's auto-assigning
> > themselves.. and you could do like the Amigactive CDs do and
> The one thing we don't need now is assigns of any description - it's
> better that way...

I agree. They are a pain in the arse when it comes to removable
devices; you take it out (after so-called unassigning it), put in
another CD, run a program...and it starts asking you to put in the
other CD! AHHH!


Message 38055

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Ideas for cool stuff to add to an OS (COOLIDEA)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 16:57:52 +0000

>> The one thing we don't need now is assigns of any description - it's
>> much better that way...

> I agree. They are a pain in the arse when it comes to removable
> devices; you take it out (after so-called unassigning it), put in
> another CD, run a program...and it starts asking you to put in the
> other CD! AHHH!

Not only that, but the more complex something is the more stupid calls you
get from people who can't get it to work, so not only are we making life
easier for others, we're making it easier for ourselves too! :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
"I forgot what to buy", Tom said listlessly.

Message 38056

From :"Daniel Thornton" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mag Prices (was " Vost? Irc? It's all the same to me...")
Date: 25 Nov 99 16:54:56 +0000
On Thu, 25 Nov 1999 16:11:20 +0000, Ben Vost wibbled...

> I personally take the discs out of their jewel cases and bin them anyway,
> leaving the front cover and disc in a wallet. Makes for easier storage...

How feasible would it be for you to lose even more (all?) of the actual
magazine pages and just publish it on CD? I seem to recall that a few
years ago Future (it might not have been Future, actually...) released a
mag based on CD which was just attached to an A4 'Front Cover' card so
that newsagents would take it.

It'd be quite easy to do (in theory); just convert raw text files to
HTML, and you've got a basic layout thingy. It might even allow the
price of the mag to fall a little.

The only problem I can see with this is that of adverts; people aren't
going to click on links to see them, although I'm sure there are ways
around that, for example an ad-window on Workbench that can't be closed
until the AFCD is removed or whatever.

Probably a really bad idea though :/

------------------------- ===== The Wibble ===== -------------------------
   In this week's mini-yet-still-substantial update, we have part two of
    Soapwatch, news from The Crackley Argus, and more personal adverts
------- --- -------

Message 38057

From :"Philip Meason" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Wolf Speaks...
Date: 25 Nov 99 17:16:36 +0000
> Hi,
> This came in too late for our news, but I thought I'd give it to you lot
> here and now...

Thanks Ben 80) 
> We have, because of Motorola's delays, decided to change the system
> controller,
> and will have an AGP port added to the Blizzard and Cyberstorm G4. Thta will
> allow the use of the most modern and powerful gfx chip sets for the
> CyberVisionNG gfx card, what we believe is an important improvement.
  This is the best news so far!  It sounds like we are going to have
very nicely powered Amigas just around the corner.  We will finally
join the 3D world and I will get to online game 80)
 Woo hoo!  
Oh Mr. bank manager!  Mr. Bank manager..!

ICQ # 32585248
 Amiga Computers

Message 38058

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: File Requestors (was OS3.5)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 17:19:17 -0000
> "sealey, m." <> wrote: 
> > There are three things wrong with MagicASL
> > * crashes like anything
> > * Total memory hog, going against the concept of a 'requester'
> You must like the windows file requirestor then... (um,.. inbuilt
> v.slow search engine),..

If I think MagicASL is wrong, why would I think Windows' is right?

Get yer facts straight first BEFORE you try and be funny ;)

> > The only thing is has going for it *is* it's nice looks.
> And of course its totaly configurable,.. calculates the size it ourght
> to be correctly,..

And crashes while doing it, and fails to fill out essential parts of
the ASL structures!

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38059

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: DMA, A1200 Zorro bus boards and the clock port...
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 17:23:14 -0000
> > >  I'm pretty sure there must be something wrong with this, even if
> > >  it's just that for DMA all the clock port pins are needed, beacause
> > >  shirly I can't be the first person to think of this, can I?
> > 
> > And no one seems to have responded. =(
> > Am I really that boring?
> No, not THAT boring. ;) I just though that someone with a bit more
> knowledge than me (ie. M.Sealey) would have answered this query.

Never saw it.

> I think I read in a past AF, in an article written by Simon Goodwin,
> that the clockport wasn't capable of DMA. The DMA idea you have is
> from another header (are there any more?!) similar to the clock port
> which would have been used for more chip RAM.

To settle it, the clock port used to be an internal expansion port
with a great deal more pins in - they cut half of it off when they
decided that 2Mb should be standard, those pins were just direct
connections to the memory bus. DMA? Dunno.

The clock port isn't capable of doing DMA though, not in it's
current form. Using the redundant solder pads wouldn't work as
they were meant for adding memory which is in fact already there.

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38060

From :"Ben Vost" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Mag Prices (was " Vost? Irc? It's all the same to me...")
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 17:21:57 +0000
Hi Daniel,

> How feasible would it be for you to lose even more (all?) of the actual
> magazine pages and just publish it on CD? I seem to recall that a few
> years ago Future (it might not have been Future, actually...) released a
> mag based on CD which was just attached to an A4 'Front Cover' card so
> that newsagents would take it.

We did have sfx CD, but it wasn't that popular. It would be better if we
could get rid of the floppy, but it's still profitable. If you guys know
anyone with a floppy subscription, or without a CD-ROM drive, persuade them
that they should really upgrade...

> It'd be quite easy to do (in theory); just convert raw text files to
> HTML, and you've got a basic layout thingy. It might even allow the
> price of the mag to fall a little.

It wouldn't make things easier. The problem with html is that it's very
browser, resolution and colour depth dependent. We'd love to have made the
html that already exists on the CD better, but the trouble is the sheer
number of folk who only run their machines in 640x256. You try running our
HTML in that resolution, or better yet, try running the AACD's...

> The only problem I can see with this is that of adverts; people aren't
> going to click on links to see them, although I'm sure there are ways
> around that, for example an ad-window on Workbench that can't be closed
> until the AFCD is removed or whatever.

> Probably a really bad idea though :/

Actually, I just don't think you've thought it through enough...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)      /PGP key available/   T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format                      F: (+44) 01225 732275
Nuff respeck to all inna area!

Message 38061

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Ideas for cool stuff to add to an OS (COOLIDEA)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 17:25:59 -0000
> > > way, you can do all sorts of stuff. Imagine AFCD's auto-assigning
> > > themselves.. and you could do like the Amigactive CDs do and
> > 
> > The one thing we don't need now is assigns of any description - it's
> > much better that way...

Alright then, imagine the installer running the first time you use an
AFCD, or when the thing had been updated (checking an environment
variable isn't hard) hmmmm?

> I agree. They are a pain in the arse when it comes to removable
> devices; you take it out (after so-called unassigning it), put in
> another CD, run a program...and it starts asking you to put in the
> other CD! AHHH!

So have there be a cached script called 'cd-remove' which unassigns
on media ejects?

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38062

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 3.5 Install
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 17:44:25 +0000 (GMT)
On Thu, 25 Nov 1999, Jonathan Hart wrote:

> 1. Can anyone tell me exactly what the file installed to DEVS: called
> "Amiga OS ROM Update" (or similar) is for in specific details. I
> understand that it softkicks the system and adds features for hard
> drives, but do not understand the details. 

it doesnt softkick the patches function in the ROM (by
kicking them out and using its own) its needed for some of the new OS
features - eg better HD support

> The reason is that my machine (1200T,PPC 603+ BVision) hangs when it is
> in DEVS: though I`ve moved it as is suggested in the manual and things
> are hunky dory. I use PFS3 and have a drive that is below the 4.3g
> barrier, so do I even need it?

what else do you have running, or in your machine? Have you tried using
the skiprompatch "scsi.device" (with setpatch)? it may interfere with
your BlizzSCSI
> I need to know if this is a filesystem problem (PFS3), or a workbench
> thing. I`m using WBCtrl in my User-startup for fast memory on icons etc
> and it has an option for increasing the buffer for copy operations (it
> says the default is set very low), but on quadrupling the buffer size I
> have gotten no gain. Big files used to shift crisply on 3.1 with PFS3,
> now there`s a lot of grinding. I don`t quite understand this. Is it
> actually a problem?

i dont use PFS3...but i think it might be a PFS3 related problem as I
dont have this grinding..and also i know that PFS3 doesnt support the
official NSD way of doing things
> 3. Is a service pack going to be released and what will it contain?

they say yes...and it willcontain a few extra bits
> 4. For Neil Bothwick- is it possible on the next AA CD to have an
> option for 3.5 users to use their installed Aweb Browser instead of
> loading the one from the CD (and dumping more prefs in ENVARC:) The
> Format CD`s are much slicker in this respect. OK I know it`s not the
> correct list, but I`m in a bit of a hurry ATM and I just remembered it.

why not use the OS3.5 features of the CD instead? ;-)
> 5. Not about 3.5 as such, but is there a kind of registry program for
> the Amiga that I can keep details of what files are installed and what
> app they belong to. I don`t want it to alter anything or be integral to
> the OS though.

nope. this sort of thing is needed for an uninstall system though


Message 38063

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Logging onto a network
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 17:46:37 +0000 (GMT)
On Thu, 25 Nov 1999 wrote:

> > If it's dialin, you needn't worry at all, if all you want to do
> > is surf the 'net..
> So it'll be harder, if not next to impossible, to access my Pegasus
> Mail which is on the network? However, as you say, I only really want
> to surf and download stuff that all students download.

ummm, not if the mail is kept on a mailserver. you'll soon start to love
YAM :-)


Message 38064

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga OS 3.5 Woes
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 17:48:27 +0000 (GMT)
On Thu, 25 Nov 1999, Eng. Ricardo Fitzgerald wrote:

> It's an EZ135 drive (SyQuest 135 Mb unformatted) SCSI external connected
> directly to Blizzard PPC SCSI port using a miniSCSI to parallel adapter, it
> has a terminator (light is ON), on the second (unused port) of the EZ135
> unit. So the SCSI chain is just the board and the SyQuest EZ135 unit ...
> This drive is working perfectly on my Mac.
> It's strange but the blizzard didn't install any devices at all ?!?!??!?!
> I've lost the manual but what I've noticed after carefully searching the
> installer floppy that it doesn't install anything in devs: ???!?!?!?

cool, isnt it? 8-)

the BPPC holds its scsi.device and ppc.library in flashram. if you hold
down escape when you boot, you'll see the ncie bootmenu. this might hold
a key to getting your SCSI device working


Message 38065

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Logging onto a network
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 17:48:46 -0000
> > > If it's dialin, you needn't worry at all, if all you want to do
> > > is surf the 'net..
> > 
> > So it'll be harder, if not next to impossible, to access my Pegasus
> > Mail which is on the network? However, as you say, I only 
> > really want to surf and download stuff that all students download.
> ummm, not if the mail is kept on a mailserver. you'll soon 
> start to love YAM :-)

We use PMail here, using that weird Netware MHS thingummy doobrie,
which is totally bad if you want to use an Amiga with it..

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38066

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga OS 3.5 Woes
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 17:49:26 +0000 (GMT)
On Thu, 25 Nov 1999 wrote:

> It means Read The Flipping Manual, or something close to that. When you
> run a WarpUp program it'll terminate the PPC library for you. If you
> want you can get WOSPrefs which'll give you the option to hide the
> requester so that you don't have to click "Terminate" when run a
> PowerPC app for the first time. It does loads of other helpful things
> besides.

install ppclibemu and bppcfix. in this way you get no terminate
requesters and run PowerUP apps next to WarpUP ones


Message 38067

From :"Alan L.M. Buxey" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 0S3.5
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 17:51:57 +0000 (GMT)
On Thu, 25 Nov 1999, Sealey, M. wrote:

> But using MUI is stupid for something as simple as a file
> requester..

..if you run MUI stuff anyway, theres little harm in running another MUI


Message 38068

From :"Sealey, M." <>
Subject: [afb] Re: 0S3.5
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 17:53:58 -0000
> > But using MUI is stupid for something as simple as a file
> > requester..
> ..if you run MUI stuff anyway, theres little harm in running 
> another MUI thing

Aside from the fact that said 'other' MUI thing crashes like
wildfire and doesn't fill out system structures correctly?

Matt Sealey 
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 38069

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "G spot?"
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:09:30 +0100
On 24-Nov-99, Michael wrote:

> I have to ask, are you trying to decrease the number of readers of
> AmigaFormat
> or do you just enjoy insulting people?

You underestimate Ben's skills, he's going fr both! ;)

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Why use laboratory rats when there are so many lawyers out there?

Message 38070

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: "G what?"
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:11:32 +0100
On 23-Nov-99, Ben Chapman wrote:

> The reason i ask this, is mainly from the previous question - "Why don't
> Phase5 ship Wipeout2097 with G4 boards?"..........

> As far as i thought i knew, ppc software would have to be recoded for
> G4.... thus a Wipeout bundle would be useless unless DI are planning a
> reprogram of the thing.... and i haven't heard that at all......

G4s ARE PPCs. ie the ones we have at the moment are actually called G1 and
G2. The full name for the G3 or G4 is something like G4 - 701. Or something
like that. So yes, everyhting will/should work and faster

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

"Clinton promises to spread the pain" - Jim Miklashevski, NBC News

Message 38071

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AFCD Surveys
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:34:53 +0100
On 24-Nov-99, Daniel Thornton wrote:

> The only real problem with the CD is there's never anything on it that
> really catches my eye to use; how about creating a new drawer for
> software that is excellent (in the AF team's opinion, natch.).

Yup, gotta agree here, everyhting thesedays seems to be just hundereds of
small utils which crash my system, or the same old browsers I downloaded a
month ago :/. You're just not selling the good stuff enough. Take the Map &
Tableplug thing on the front of the CD. I see that and think, "oh, another
extreamly buggy WYSIWYG web page editor....yay...." Now if you could make
me think "Woooo, a brand new program which will do everything I want it to
do!" then Id be much more likely to use it. You're just not selling the
stuff you put on there anymore :/ I can't remember the last time I sat up
and saw something yelling at me about #700 worth of free software#,
#exclusive!# or #Full version#. It just doesn't happen anymore. Don't end
up like FHM, but do try to be a bit more sensational now and then. Think
somewhere between The Mirror and Daily Mail, not The Times.

> And drop the Reader-Requests drawer and amalgamate it with the serious
> and games drawers; it'd be a lot easier to find stuff then.

I second that.

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Me and the wife have sex doggy style; I roll over, she plays dead.

Message 38072

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: AFCD Surveys
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:40:57 +0100
On 24-Nov-99, Ben Vost wrote:

> Oh give us a break. It's hard enough to compile a CD full of stuff every
> issue as it is.

Which is why you now olny run web pages for 1 month rather than 3, to make
your job harder.....Someone's lying! And I'm sure a mod or 2 of Tony'd as
an audiotrack would soon wipe off 100-odd meg from the total.

> Nope. It's also a lot easier to find the stuff you've asked for on the CD
> if it's in one place.

But that benefits like 20 people, a txt file pointing the reader which
requested it to the right place would help the other several thousand 

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

A mind is a terrible thing to... Oooohh, the new Sailor V video game!

Message 38073

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga Pamphlet Revisited (Was AF, or lack there of!)
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:47:54 +0100
On 23-Nov-99, chris wrote:

> As for lack of advertisers, I haven't seen much diversification e.g
> non-Amiga related ads, apart from one tiny sex chatline. I'm not sure what
> the demographic for AF is nowadays, but I for one wouldn't take offence if
> non-Amiga ads appeared, the Cerebus springs to mind.

How does AF get its ads? Do future go asking people if they want an ad, or
just wait for someone to call them saying I want an ad in AF please. Im
sure a few of them PC Pro advertisers would make a fair bit with their rock
bottom prices in Af and it might even kick powerc and eyetech into line
with theirs.

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Sharks don't feed on lawyers; professional courtesy.

Message 38074

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Chipmem
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:55:26 +0100
On 24-Nov-99, Alan L.M. Buxey wrote:

> FBlit can help...but one change of OS3.5 was to have OS use the FastRAM
> instead of ChipRAM...mark that down as another reson to upgrade

Why was this not mentioned in the 3.5 review!?

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

The course of true anything never does run smoothly.

Message 38075

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: console games
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:59:42 +0100
Hi M.
Somewhere around 24-Nov-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Re:
console games

> Ape Escape is the only one I've played that uses it for something
> good. Pick any 3D platformer on the Playstation. Does it use the
> analog pad? No.

Well if its the only one you've played, stop criticizing everything else!
FF8, Metal Gear solid, V-rally 2...Those are just the ones I have

> Driving games you say? How lame.

> Testify that there are a lot of gullible teenagers around with
> Playstations and 49 to spare every 6 months?

49!!?? hahha, this isn't an N64 here. Most games are released 20-30.
There hasn't been a 50 games for ages...FF8 on 4 CDs is still only 30,
28 if you shop around

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Hint for Mom:  Remember that you used Cliff Notes too.

Message 38076

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Consoles
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 16:01:26 +0100
Hi Neil
Somewhere around 23-Nov-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Re:

>> Haha! Mine isn't grey! I bought a new clear blue case for it in Kln and
>> it now looks lovely... :)

> Some of us bought kit for our *Amigas* in Cologne :-O

Lets all follow Ben's example and buy console faff at the biggest miggy show
in the world.

ps. did anyone buy a mobile phone case at the WOA?

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

SysOp:  (n) One who constantly reconfigures.

Message 38077

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Consoles
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 16:02:16 +0100
On 23-Nov-99, Ben Vost wrote:

> Oh, I brought home kit for my Amiga too, and I have just spent in excess
> of 500 on it...

I know amiga stuff is more expensive, but 500 for a pair of boxer shorts!

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

To hell with the devil...

Message 38078

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Crashes
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 16:08:04 +0100
Hi M.
Somewhere around 23-Nov-99, you spewed some some gumph about [afb] Re:

> That's because it's way too complicated for stoopid people to
> work out, and they seem to think that if it doesn't work in ONE
> configuration then it won't work at all.

And you'd NEVER do something like that would you!, oh no, especially not
with something like, oh...say....VMM?, didn't think so ;)

> You know the sort who put MCP and FBlit in WBStartup, the ones who

Umm, and why not?, not that I of course, but still, why?

> put all their patches in user-startup where they'll be about as
> useful as a hatchet in your back, and just about as painful.

Again, why? I have ALL my patches in user-startup

> There *is* a general rule I have about patches, though, and that's if
> you don't know what it does, then you shouldn't be using it.

Time to format my drive then 8)

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Never test for an error you don't know how to handle.

Message 38079

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Submissions
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 17:17:52 +0100
On 23-Nov-99, Ben Vost wrote:

>> Just a bunch of lazy shites aren't we? ;) Although I have the excuse of
>> not owning it...

> Why not? Surely that's worth a comment on its own, like Fool's or Daniel
> Thornton's.

Tis done. Bet you're having fun with all those which have flooded in eh? ;)
that'll teach you to be motivating.

> Of course it's too late. It will go on AFCD49 now, which won't be in the
> shops until 17th Jan, which means you'll get your cheque about the same
> time if not a touch later.

So I've won then! :D woohoo! lalalallaa, tum te tum, sweeeet.

ps. I'll also accept any old 1200 cards you have laying about, anything
better than this 030 would be nice 8)

Mash - Winner!
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

All the world's indeed a stage, and we are merely players.: Rush